CstM Management & Organization leading & leadership development
what is leadership…
leadership & power… controlling - to ensure resultsplanning - to set the direction leading - to inspire effort communicate the vision build enthusiasm motive commitment/hard work organizing - to create structures pow·er [pou-er] - noun 1.the ability to get someone else to do something you want done 2.to make things happen the way you want
position power… reward coercive legitimate
personal power… expert referent
leadership & vision… vi·sion [vizh-uhn] - noun 1.the act of anticipating that which will or may come to be 2.a clear sense of the future vision + leader…
leadership as service… servant leadership empowerment servant leadership value people develop people build community display authenticity provide leadership share leadership
leadership traits… drive self-confidence creativity cognitive ability job-relevant knowledge motivation flexibility honesty & integrity
leadership behaviors… production centered employee centered
classic leadership styles… human relations people’s need building relationships democratic participation & support for a shared purpose laissez-faire minimum amount of work to get job done autocratic efficiency of tasks and operations types of leaders
better leaders… understand & implement situational leadership methods
path-goal theory… House leaders… clarify paths to goals remove obstacles to performance identify & fill gaps use a style that is appropriate to the situation
path-goal theory… directive leadership… communicate expectations &give directions schedule work maintain performance standards clarify roles supportive leadership… make work pleasant treat group members as equals be friendly & approachable show concern for workers’ well-being
path-goal theory… participative leadership… involve workers in decision making consult with workers ask for workers’ suggestions use workers’ suggestions achievement-oriented leadership… set challenging goals expect high performance levels emphasize continuous improvement display confidence in meeting high standards
path-goal theory… ambiguous situationsdirective supportive participative achievement oriented distasteful work, high stress task or low employee confidence most tasks…especially challenging ones most tasks…especially those that are outcome- oriented
situational leadership model… Hersey-Blanchard the model… builds on the leadership grid adds the notion of adapting your leadership style to match the situation tied to subordinate ability and/or willingness to perform the assigned tasks
situational leadership model… participating followers able, unwilling, insecure selling followers unable, willing, confident delegating followers able, willing, confident telling followers unable, unwilling, insecure guidance required support required lowhigh low
situational leadership model… if used correctly… help followers increase readiness help followers learn to manage themselves limitations… team management fails to consider other situational factors
leadership development… are leaders born? are leaders made?
charismatic & transformational… qualities such as… vision charisma symbolism empowerment intellectual stimulation integrity
emotional intelligence…
gender & leadership… gender similarities interactive leadership
moral leadership… good & right by ethical standards integrity authentic leadership
Drucker on leadership… “old-fashioned” wisdom define & communicate a clear vision leadership as a responsibility…not a rank surround yourself with talented people don’t blame others when things go wrong keep your integrity & earn the trust of others don’t be clever…be consistent