Regional Workshop on GEO Methodologies Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8-11 September 2008 Presented by: MT Wilson Technical Officer, Environmental and Disaster Management Unit ASEAN Secretariat ASEAN State of the Environment Reports (SoERs)
A product of joint efforts among the ASEAN Member Countries Portrait of the condition / health of the environment and natural resources Highlights emerging issues, policy responses and regional efforts to promote environmental sustainability ASEAN State of the Environment Reports
Published periodically; approximately every 3 years (Decisions of the ASEAN Ministers in their 7th Meeting in 1997) –SoER 1 (1997) –SoER 2 (2000) –ASEAN Report to the WSSD (2002) –SoER 3 (2006)
15th Meeting of ASOEN (Aug. 2004) endorsed preparation of SoER 3. Task Force set up to oversee preparation 1 st Task Force meeting (15 Aug. 2005) Member Countries to provide relevant data, information and documents to ASEC Member Countries that have yet to nominate their focal points to do so urgently Proposed theme: Environmental Sustainability Contributing to ASEANs Community Building Third ASEAN State of the Environment Report 2006 (SoER3) – Preparation Stage
2 nd Task Force Meeting (23-25 Aug. 2006) Discussed in detail every page of the draft Report and provided comments on the write- up and data used Member Countries to provide case studies of successful initiatives Agreed to recommend to ASOEN to consider formalising the Task Force Meeting on the ASEAN State of the Environment Reports, through annual Meetings
Third ASEAN State of the Environment Report 2006 (SoER3) Launched at 10 th AMME, 10 November 2006 in Cebu, Philippines Theme: Towards an Environmentally Sustainable ASEAN Community
Lessons Learned During the Preparation of SoERs Difficulties in data gatherings A need to institute a mechanism to: - regularly share information - harmonise databases - support preparation of national and regional reports
Information Sources for SoER3 Various database of ASEC (EDMU, NRU, BEI, BFIS, etc.) Other ASEAN-affiliated institution (ACB, ACE) National SoERs Intl organisation (UNEP, FAO, WHO, etc.) Intl development/ finance institution (ADB, WB, etc.) Environmental NGOs
Fourth ASEAN State of the Environment Report 2009 (SoER4) ASOEN19: Project proposal SoER-4 the task force: format of the Report, national level data, and reviewing and recommending endorsement of the draft report to ASOEN 2 nd Task Force SoER 3 meeting: value to discuss and exchange ideas
Fourth ASEAN State of the Environment Report 2009 (SoER4) Funding Support SoER 1-3: UNEP SoER4: estimated USD 150,000 (data collection, consultant fees, printing and task force meetings)
Thank You