Welcome To Simmons We Love Our Library!
What Do You Need to Know? Books are checked out for two weeks. They are due exactly 2 weeks from the day you get them. There is a date due card in the back of the book. It stays with the book at all times. It is your responsibility to return your book when it is due even if your teacher does not bring your class!
Where Do I Check Out? The circulation desk is where you check your book out. Mrs. Sharrow, our library aide, will help you at the circulation counter. Please tell her your last name and then your first name when you take your books to her.
Circulation Desk
Where Do I Return My Books? All books are returned at the circulation desk. There is a slot in the counter to drop your books through. This is the drop box. You DO NOT have to stand in line to return a book.
Drop Box
How Many Books Can I Get? You can check out up to five books. Do not check out more than you can read in a two week period of time. If you are usually late with books, remember the more books you have, the greater the fine!
How Much Are Fines? A fine is added to a book for every day it is late, excluding weekends or holidays. Each book is 5 cents a night. You may pay your fines with money (no pennies allowed) or with canned food for charity. A can of food is worth 50 cents of your fine. If you have a 60 cent fine, you would bring 2 cans to cover it. Food goes to the Hoover food bank to help the needy.
Pay with $ or Canned Food
Where Are the Fiction Books? Fiction includes novels or chapter books. You must get a fiction book for your LA teacher if you are a 6 th grader. Students in 7 th or 8 th may have more options.
Fiction Books
What Are Orange Label Books? Orange label books have a clear orange spine label cover on them. These are only for 8 th graders. They have stronger content than other books. These books may include more violence, language, boy/girl relationships, or mature scenes. They are still great books but are usually very accurate depictions of real life situations or problems. Some orange label books may be checked out to 7 th by permission of Mrs. Glasscock only!
Orange Label Books
My Teacher Requires AR. Where Are Those Books? Almost all books in the fiction section have the AR label in the back on the pocket inside the back cover. If there is no label either it is not AR or we missed one.
AR Books
Is the Library Open In the Morning? The library is open before school for those students wanting to return or exchange books, read silently, or complete homework in a quiet area. Once you enter the library you must stay. If you need to eat breakfast, don’t come to the library.
How Do I Use the Library Computer Lab? You may use the library computer lab at Mrs. Glasscock’s direction or a classroom teacher’s direction. You must be respectful of our computer equipment. They may ONLY be used to complete school work. No playing, Youtube searching, etc. Please do not change the desktop background or any settings without permission of Mrs. Glasscock!
How Do I Look Up a Book? There are a few computers available on the main library floor for searching the online catalog. These computers are only used as search stations. The lab is available for your other computer needs. Destiny is our online catalog here in each Hoover school. You click on the Destiny icon, select Simmons Middle School and then click the catalog tab to search.
What Are the Other Rooms in the Library Used For? We have 3 study rooms for you to use when you need an extra quiet place. They are often used by teachers to make up tests or have students work as a small group together. The library computer lab is used by whole classes to do research and by library classes to complete library lessons. The upstairs area is for teachers only. It contains their books, AV materials, etc.
Teacher Library
Whew! We hope you really enjoy our library! We enjoy having you here and want you to feel comfortable. Please use quiet voices, respect your classmates, and help us keep the library nice so that we may all enjoy it! The End