Housley Principled Leadership Program // #housley
2 Reflections on last week
Session Seven Building a Tribe
The challenge is to be a light, not a judge; to be a model, not a critic Steven Covey
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
The Trust Equation C + R + I S-O
Trust is… 7. …the willingness to take risk or be vulnerable to another person when there is something of importance to be lost…
8 How do you prefer to be managed?
9 Do you have the skill and the will? The competence and commitment?
10 Enthusiastic and willing, but lacking in knowledge and ability. High Will – Low Skill “Enthusiastic Beginner” Maturity Level One
11 Not ready to solo. Low commitment to the task. Some Skill – Low Will “Disillusioned Learner” Maturity Level Two
12 Capable, but not confident. Higher Skill – Wavering Will “Cautious Performer” Maturity Level Three
13 Highly capable and confident in abilities. Motivated to succeed. High Skill – High Will “Self-Reliant Achiever” Maturity Level Four
14 “Treating people of unequal ability equally is patently unfair and ineffective.” How do you manage that?
15 “I am going to tell you what to do and how to do it.” “Telling” Leadership Style 1: Directing
16 “I am going to tell you what I think you should do and we are going to work on this together.” “Selling” Leadership Style 2: Coaching
17 “How do you think we should do this? I am here to help you succeed.” “Participating” Leadership Style 3: Supporting
18 “Here is the task and here is my cell phone number.” “Ignoring” Leadership Style 4: Delegating
19 Task focused styles Relationship focused styles Situational Leadership
20 Matching Management Style with Maturity… …at the task level.
21 Mismatched Leader – Follower Diagnosis of Maturity Level S4 – S1 Whiplash Starting Point Adaptability Common Problems
22 Understanding Your Leader’s Default Starting Point Style Contracting for Task-Specific Management Style Partnering for Performance and Greater Autonomy Putting it to work
Session Eight assignments 23 Read, print and bring Covey's Seven Chronic Problems to class Watch What Motivates Us by: Daniel Pink Read Motivating the Middle Complete Leadership Practices Inventory personal assessment by Wednesday, October 9th and select at least eight observers to complete the assessment by October 16th
Housley Principled Leadership // #housley