R OSSVILLE C OMMUNITY L IBRARY C OLLECTION D EVELOPMENT A NALYSIS Doris Brosz, Mindy Brunkhardt, Julie Temple Emporia State University LI 855
E VALUATION OF C URRENT P OLICY “…to meet the needs of the community…”
S UBJECT A NALYSIS Broad range of subjects Informational and entertainment needs and interests of the entire community Significant interests Local history Genealogy
L EVELS A NALYSIS Popular appeal and demand Patron requests
S COPE A NALYSIS Current interest and permanent value Local interest Rossville collection Kansas Memory Collaboration
F ORMATS A NALYSIS Changing technology Constant reevaluation of media Adoption of formats Cost-effectiveness Availability Popularity Rossville collection Primary or secondary Any format All periods
N EEDS A SSESSMENT Rossville, Shawnee County, Kansas
Topeka Rossville C ITY OF R OSSVILLE Northwest of Topeka Bedroom community School system independent of Topeka
RCL P ATRONAGE Township library Library patronage of approximately 2,000 60% from Rossville 40% from area communities Potawatomi Indian Nation
S MALL T OWN E GOCENTRICITY Kansas Memory School website resembles a yearbook Current policy “to meet the needs of the community”
P OLICY VS. C OLLECTION Does the collection match the policy?
C URRENT C OLLECTION P OLICY Selection Criteria 1. Popular appeal/demand 2. Importance & value to the collection 3. Local interest 4. Availability or scarcity of materials on the subject 5. Significance of the subject matter 6. Existing library & consortium holdings 7. Physical quality & level of durability 8. Item cost & overall library budget
NY T IMES B ESTSELLER L IST RCL had 41% of the current bestsellers (29 of 70) Vague policy, generic collection
“P OPULAR APPEAL / DEMAND ” Determination of popularity Purposefully vague Patron-driven acquisition NEKLS circulation statistics InconsistencyRegulation
M AINTENANCE Majority of collection replaced in three years Goal: Maintain an appealing and current collection Periodic and constant weeding Five-year circulation requirement
B UDGETING THE C OLLECTION “…permanent 15% collections budget cut…”
S MALL B UDGET, H UGE E FFECT Budget analysis Pre-cut $12,750 15% cut $1, Post-cut $10,837.50
B UDGET C UT S TRATEGY : C ONSIDERATIONS TO THE P OLICY Look at the policy for ways to cut the budget.
E LECTRONIC R ESOURCES No independent electronic resources Nook Circulates for book clubs Currently no requests for specific e-books or e- readers NEKLS and Kansas Library e-resources
C OMPLETE C OVERAGE S OURCES School library collaboration Community/interest groups NEKLS Award winning books Book reviews & bestseller lists
R ESOURCE S HARING Access to Rossville schools’ library catalog and collection NEKLS and State Library NEKLS Policy: Cannot avoid purchasing items because other NEKLS libraries has multiple copies Cheaper book- purchasing options Rent popular books Lightly-used previously-owned books
P OLICY S PECIFICATION AND D ESIGN Better specify community needs Partnerships Policy designation Patron-driven acquisition Local and NEKLS circulation records Top selling items from Popular lists Major retailers Local bookstores
R EFERENCES Evans and Saponaro City of Rossville. Rossville Community Library e:rossville/county:/submit:SEARCH acquisition-whats-in-it-for-me