Cultivating for the future “One of the responsibilities of leadership is to seek out and develop the latent talent of those members who, for various reasons, have never had a real chance to demonstrate their ability.” Clem Renouf RI President
Leadership Development Communication Skills Leadership Styles Leading and Motivating Mentoring Time Management
Leadership Development Goal Setting Accountability Strategic Planning Ethics and The Four Way Test Building consensus Teamwork
Leadership Heart of America Rotary Leadership Institute
HOA - RLI Clubs and Districts identify potential candidates for leadership
HOA – RLI Fast-paced Interactive One day courses Refines leadership skills Increases knowledge in Rotary
HOA-RLI Fun Topical Interactive Geared towards business Geared toward professional persons
HOA – RLI Club Sponsors candidates Builds enthusiasm New contacts Fresh Ideas Increase understanding Valuable Skills
HOA - RLI Rotary Districts in Zones 29 & 30 Districts from the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes
HOA – RLI Each RLI Event has a local Coordinator Facilitators for the event At least two facilitators per Part administered
HOA - RLI Registration Process payment Online Offline
HOA - RLI Registration Cut off date approximately 7 days Coordinators put materials together for RLI
RLI PART 1 The Rotarian Insights Into Leadership My Rotary World Engaging Members Our Foundation Ethics – Vocational Service Service Projects
RLI PART 2 The Club Strategic Planning & Analysis Targeted Service Club Communication Team Building Attracting Members
RLI PART 3 My Rotary Journey International Service Effective Leadership Strategies Rotary Opportunities Public Image & Public Relations Rotarians, Vocational Service & Expectations Making a Difference
HOA - RLI RLI Curriculum Committee Meets Annually Request Suggestions for improvement Division may send a representative to the Annual Curriculum Meeting