Activities under the VC Trust Fund for Activities under the VC Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation History and Financial Status Megumi Seki, Ozone Secretariat
2 Decision VI/2 Ozone-related monitoring and research activities for the Vienna Convention Paragraph 2 To request UNEP/WMO to establish a fund for research and systematic observations in developing countries and CEIT
3 Decision VI/2 (contd) 3. Urges all Parties and int org to contribute 4. Defines the primary aim of the Fund: ·support maintenance/calibration of the existing WMO GAW stations to address balanced global coverage ·possibly support other activities identified by the ORM and in consultation with SAP & EEAP for improving observation network and relevant research 5. Secretariat/WMO to inform Parties on institutional arrangements for allocation of funds and to provide an annual report on the financial status and activities
4 Decision VI/2 (contd) Paragraph 8. To request the WMO /UNEP to draw to the attention of the Parties opportunities for meeting common objectives among conventions, in particular the UNFCCC
5 Status of the Trust Fund A Trust Fund established in Feb 2003 Terms of Reference for the Fund MOU concluded between UNEP Oz Sec and WMO in Sep 2005, approved in Dec 2005 – Maintenance and Calibration (M&C) projects for GAW ground-based stations – Research and Monitoring (R&M) projects Annual invitation to Parties to contribute Implementation of activities continue
6 Status of contributions The total funds received to date is US$ 246,307 (Czech Rep, Estonia, Finland, France, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and UK) Activities Dobson Inter-Calibration Workshop 23 Feb to 12 Mar 2004, Egypt - US$15,000 Brewer Calibration in Kathmandu and Bandung, Sep 2006 – US$16,100 I i ntercomparison exercise for all African Dobson instruments, Irene, Oct 2009 A Dobson data quality workshop, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, Feb 2011
7 Planned Activities Remaining balance – US$ 90,707 Brewer calibration and associated training for several stations world-wide (including South America) during 2011 and 2012 Intercomparison exercise involving all Dobsons intruments in Africa (follow up to the Irene workshop in 2009), in Oct 2013 National project proposals 6 countries submitted proposals Due to limited funds, not yet possible to consider
8 The END Thank you