UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E REDD overview and the UN-REDD Programme African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) 25 May 2009, Nairobi, Kenya
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Outline of presentation Climate change and forests Climate change and forests The REDD mechanism The REDD mechanism The UN-REDD Programme The UN-REDD Programme Moving forward Moving forward
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Climate change and forests More carbon in forests than in the atmosphere 20% of global carbon emissions Fundamental to stabilize at 450ppm and <2°C Immediate reduction needed…start easy Stern Report…for skeptical economists Multiple-benefits
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E REDD basics REDD = Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries How does it work? REL-BAU! Reduce deforestation Measure it Create a carbon asset Find a market and sell it Readiness, finance, payments
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E REDD past and future Not the first time a REDD idea came along… Excluded from CDM Transformational order of magnitude: 13Mha; 5Gton CO2; 15B$/yr Forest carbon payments as missing incentive for sustainable forest management COP13 Bali Roadmap adopted a resolution on REDD; COP14 Poznan pushed it forward COP15 Copenhagen will be the turning point
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E REDD emerging issues MRV REL MB IP and CSO
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Measurement, Reporting & Verification (MRV) Activity data Emission factors Reliability and IPCC guidelines Remote sensing and field inventory data MRV for degradation a particular challenge Countries have varying levels of capacity and access to data Readiness initiatives
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Reference emissions level (REL) REL fundamental to assess performance Setting REL Historic rates of deforestation National circumstances Modeling
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Multiple benefits (MB) REDD contributes not only to mitigation but also generates multiple benefits Biodiversity and ecosystem services Opportunities as well as risks Synergies and trade-offs
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Stakeholder engagement (IP/CSO) Social dimension of REDD Impact and effectiveness CSO and IP participation National, regional, global consultations on-going
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Whats needed? Conducive International Climate Regime post-2012 Capacity to create a carbon asset Capacity reduce deforestation Real investment for SFM
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E UN-REDD Programme One-UN: collaborative programme FAO/UNDP/UNEP Launched Sep. 08 Contribution to UNFCCC process Stakeholders participation, institution strengthening and capacity building Coordination with other initiatives Help REDD see the light of day… equitable, effective, transformational! Quick Start: $52m initial contribution by Norway Country actions International support Institutional arrangements
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E UN-REDD country programs 9 countries; $4.4M per country; UNDP is the leading agency Dialogue, consultations, technical assistance Methodology, payment distribution, REDD strategy Country ownership and leadership Pilot Countries Africa: DRC, Tanzania, Zambia Asia & Pacific: Indonesia, PNG, Vietnam LA & Caribbean: Bolivia, Panama, Paraguay
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E REDD importance and potential in Africa Est. forest area: 635 million ha Est. forest cover change: -4 million ha Forest generate about 6% of sub-Saharan GDP Most of African agriculture rain-fed Historically low deforestation in high carbon areas and high in low carbon areas Significant carbon revenue potential Currently 12 countries involved in readiness through UN-REDD and World Bank FCPF
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E International Support Functions (GJP) Support confidence on REDD Analysis and science Participation and capacity building Methodology and multiple-benefits UNEP is the leading agency Total budget:$6.9M
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Moving forward Still the same old game Forestry at a tipping point Stakeholder participation is key Time and confidence are of the essence Negotiation process: SBSTA and LCA Regional common position on REDD High level event during UN GA (Sept 09) Copenhagen…yes we can… go REDD
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Thank you For more information: For feed back and engagement: For further discussion this week:
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E The following are bonus slides for Q/A session
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Climate change basics Green house effect…ppm and C Stabilization… 2C and 450ppm Where does it come from … sources What to do… mitigation and adaptation How … CCC, KP and cap and trade
UN-REDD P R O G R A M M E Scope of REDD mechanism Only deforestation and degradation Conservation Stock enhancement Terrestrial carbon