AMA Europe SA//NV Rue de l’Aqueduc 118, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: Fax: Website: © MCE Decision-making From autocratic to cohesive With Phil Braybrooke
© MCE2 YOU DECIDE (Autocratic) A1.You solve the problem or make the decision yourself; using the information you have available to you. A2. You obtain the necessary information from your team (or others) then you decide on the solution yourself. You may or may not tell the group what the problem is in getting the information from them. You make it clear you are seeking information and not their involvement in the decision making process. YOU SHARE THE PROBLEM WITH A GROUP OR TEAM (consultative) C1You share the problem with your team (or other group) individually, getting their ideas and suggestions without bringing the team together as a group. Then you make the decision that may or not reflect your groups influence or ideas. C2You share the problem with relevant subordinates as a group, collectively obtaining their ideas and suggestions. Then you make the decision that may not reflect the influence of the group. Decisions generally as fall into one of the following categories:
© MCE3 GROUP - You share the problem with the group and all decide (Cohesive) G1You share the problems with the group. Together you, understand the issues, share information and generate options. You do not influence the group, you seek to generate the best possible solution and will accept and implement the solution generated. Using this method can be the route to truly Business Winning Strategies. GROUP - You share the problem with the group and all decide (Cohesive)
© MCE4 The extent to which one involves others in the making of decisions affects four things – all of which bear on the effectiveness of one’s management/leadership style. They are: 1.The quality of decisions. 2.The acceptance or commitment required by the group to implement and execute the decision. 3.The amount of time consumed in the process of making the decision. 4.The development (in human capacity and motivation) of the group.