Welcome FHC Youth Lacrosse Parents!
2014 BOARD MEMBERS George Rudolph- President Bob Nolan- Past President Patrick Rollins- Vice President Joan Koczenasz- Treasurer Alison Cardin- Recording Secretary Dave Mehney- At-Large Member Always seeking volunteers
Overview of Presentation FHC Youth Lax Club Philosophy Rewind/Fast Forward Dollars & Cents Equipment Practice & Evaluation Team Allocation Tournaments Your Questions
Our Philosophy Provide the best opportunity for all FHC kids to learn and play lacrosse. Through the emphasis of fundamentals, skill development, and teamwork, we strive to achieve excellence.
Our Philosophy: Includes Losing “Our obsession with winning is the enemy of excellence in youth sports. Excellence is all about the process; while winning is all about the outcome.” -John O’Sullivan Changing the Game by John O’Sullivan The parents guide to raising happy, high performing athletes and giving youth sports back to our kids
A Look Back at 2014 New website Joined MPLL Evenly divided teams (No A/B) Split end-of year tournament schedule Began Winter Indoor with True Lacrosse Alternative fund raising Parent Surveys Too many games; not enough practices Need more emphasis on skills & drills Bring in paid coaches / increase knowledge Late-season split at Cranbrook
Looking Ahead to 2015 Fewer games; more practices Indoor program focused on skills & drills Coaches participated in True Lacrosse clinics New Uniforms Less emphasis on WMYLL (no tourney) Hired Dan Catzere (True Lacrosse) to coach U15 MPLL team MPLL Teams- pay to play
New Uniforms
Where the Money Goes Referee Expenses- approx games Tournament Registration Fees- House Teams Pre-season practice fields- MVP, Woodland Paid instructors for winter indoor program New Equipment Administrative fees Coaching Clinics Field maintenance
2015 Fund Raising We will be having a fundraiser to again support our club Savory Foods is a local fundraising company offering cookie dough, caramel corn and assorted sweets. All the proceeds go toward fields, outside coaching and refs We ask that each player sell 10 items to support the program IMPORTANT DATES Week of April 13 th – Fundraiser Begins. May 4 th - Fundraiser Ends. May 28 th – Order Pick Up
Required Equipment Helmet- no hockey helmets – NOCSAE approved Mouth guard- have extras Chest/Shoulder Protector Gloves Elbow Pads Cup Cleats Stick Base layer (optional) Discount opportunities coming
Coaches Patrick Robinson & Dave Hartl 2 teams with equal allocation of experience Season Commitment Practice twice weekly Games & Tournaments 5-6 regular season games Cranbrook Lax jam Intra-squad scrimmages to focus on the basics Practices begin March 23 U9 Level
Coaches Dave Mehney & Garth Stidolph 2 teams with equally divided experience Season Commitment Practice 3 times/week Games & Tournaments 8 regular season games Rip the Duck Evaluations/Practices begin March 16 U11 Level
Coaches Bob Nolan & Geoff Deines 2 teams of equally divided experience Season Commitment Practice 3 times per week Games & Tournaments 8 regular season games (max) Rip the Duck Evaluations/Pre-Season Practices begin March 9 U13 Level
Head Coaches Pat Koczenasz & Aaron Metaj 2 teams of equally divided experience Season Commitment Practice 3 days per week Games & Tournaments 8 regular season WMYLL games Rip the Duck Evaluations/Pre-season practices begin March 2 U15 Level
Tournaments Teams (MPLL) Elevated level of competition All FHC Youth players may try out (U11-U15) Additional financial commitment- $ Tournament registrations $ amount varies by level Additional time commitment 2 additional weekend tournaments 2 extra practices per week
Tournaments at a Glance Rip the Duck (South Bend) U11, U13, & U15 House Teams April FHC Hosting Lake Shore Teams/Others - May 16 Cranbrook Lax Jam All levels (non-MPLL teams) May MPLL Teams Carmel Invitational (IN)- April EGR/FHC- May 2 Border Wars (IL)- May 9-10 MPLL Tournament (Carmel, IN)- May 30-31
Housekeeping Issues Refund Checks for Feb 1-8 registrants Website will be updated – Tonight’s presentation – Practice/evaluation schedules – Calendar Tournaments Now Season schedule mid-March Rosters