Development Alternatives SOUTH ASIA E N V I R O N M E N T O U T L O O K
Development Alternatives Background and Purpose There is a need for capacity building of national and regional organizations to initiate and sustain the Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA) and reporting systems The project is part of UNEP's capacity building activities in integrated environmental assessment The project will also increase the compatibility of reporting and assessment processes and products at national and regional levels, and ultimately contribute to better global GEO process. Develop regional and national capacity on integrated environmental assessment in South Asian sub-region using specially developed training tools.
Development Alternatives Aim Elaborate priorities and key issues from the array of environmental concerns faced by the region Provide policy guidelines and strategies for resource allocation for the coming decades based on analysis of the state and trends in the regions environment Provide guidance for international environmental action planning
Development Alternatives Process Capacity building on Integrated Environment Assessment Preparation of an outline for SAEO Literature review from Asia, Europe and other regions Compilation of information on environmental issues and EM frameworks from South Asian countries Compilation of common and transboundary issues of South Asia Consultation on outline of the SAEO Finalization of the outline for preparation of the SAEO Preparation of Draft SAEO report Collection, collation and analysis of information and literature on existing environmental issues, strategies, action plans and institutions relating to common and transboundary issues within the subregion
Development Alternatives Process Multistakehoders meeting to review/revise the draft report Comments from the participants on the draft SAEO report Incorporation of comments in the draft report Expert review of the draft SAEO Comments from the selected experts Finalization and submission of draft SAEO report Launching of the final SAEO in November 2008
Development Alternatives Project Design DA - SFP Stakeholders Focal Points Fill gaps/ design/ upgrade Capacity building on IEA Reporting Process SAEO Report Inception Workshop/Consultations
Development Alternatives SAEO Report Production Draft Report Consultations Finalization Data Collection Data Collation Training and Inception Workshop Synthesis & Consultation - Gaps - Possible responses (Data Based) (Perception Based) Approach and Methodology Issue Identification & Prioritisation Field Validation & Data Gap Filling Response Identification Verification with Experts
Development Alternatives Integrated Analysis of Environmental Trends and Policies (Analytic Framework) P – Pressure/Stress:Agents of Environmental Changes S – State:Condition of the Environmental Resources I – Impact:Effects on the Environmental Quality R – Response:Societal Response with policies to affect State of the Environment
Development Alternatives PSIR: an analytical framework Driving Forces Pressures State Human and natural Of the environment Resilience Mitigate impact Build adaptive capacity Impacts On ecosystems, human wellbeing and the economy STEP 1. What is happening to the environment and why? STEP 3. What policies are in use and are they effective? STEP 4. Are we reducing the vulnerability of ecosystems and society? STEP 2. What are the impacts? NEW Responses Societal actions and policy
Development Alternatives South Asia Environment Outlook – Inception Workshop Organized Sub-regional Training on Integrated Environment Assessment (IEA) Built the capacity of focal points on DPSIR analytical framework Prepared and finalized the outline for SAEO in consultation with the stakeholders Highlights/Outputs
Development Alternatives South Asia Environment Outlook – Agreed Outline Introduction / Overview Background to the document Profile of the region State and Trends of the Natural Environment Land Air Water Biodiversity
Development Alternatives South Asia Environment Outlook – Agreed Outline.... continued Priorities for South Asian Cooperation Climate Security Food Security Water Security Energy Security Managing Urbanization Policy and Institutional Options Technology/Traditional knowledge Cooperation Building Awareness Participatory Management Technology Transfer Trade and Investment Ecosystem Services
Development Alternatives thank you…