What are nouns? PersonPlace Thing
Animals are nouns
A place is a noun The place where animals live is called a habitat.
What animals live in the desert?
What animals live in forest?
Our habitat: deciduous forest Has four seasons: – Winter – Spring – Summer – Fall/Autumn Deciduous trees: leaves fall off during autumn, grow new leaves in the spring.
Deciduous forest: living things ForestMammalsSkunkDeerBirdsRobin Bald eagle InsectsButterflyLadybugPlantsMapleOak
Mammals Deer Black and brown bear Fox Groundhog Raccoon Porcupine Skunk Squirrel Chipmunk
Deciduous forest: living things ForestMammalsSkunkDeerBirdsRobin Bald eagle InsectsButterflyLadybugPlantsMapleOak
Birds Bald eagle Cardinal Turkey Blue Jay Woodpecker Robin
Deciduous forest: living things ForestMammalsSkunkDeerBirdsRobin Bald eagle InsectsButterflyLadybugPlantsMapleOak
Insects Ant Butterfly Ladybug Worm Mosquito Fly Bee
Deciduous forest: living things ForestMammalsSkunkDeerBirdsRobin Bald eagle InsectsButterflyLadybugPlantsMapleOak
Plants Oak tree Maple tree Pine tree/Evergreen Birch tree
Can you think of more? I bet you can!!! (look outside)
What do animals do? Actions are called verbs
Let’s look at some forest animals in action Beavers als-pets-kids/mammals-kids/beaver-kids.html
Make your own sentences Article (A, An, The) NounVerb (-ed or jail word) Where phrase Thehawksoaredin the sky.
Visualize the sentences (3) Who/What+ action+ where/place
Visualize The hawk soars in the sky.
The hawk eats on a branch.