Agriculture based Climate Change Adaptation Framework


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Presentation transcript:

Agriculture based Climate Change Adaptation Framework – Moving from Ministerial Decisions to Implementation - By Martin Bwalya NEPAD Secretariat

Outline Scope Objectives / value added of a Climate Change Adaptation Framework for CAADP Linkages to other CAADP and climate change processes Components of a CCA framework Action areas for operationalizing the CCA framework

Scope …

“Investing in Agriculture for Economic Growth and Food Security” AU Summit Theme “Investing in Agriculture for Economic Growth and Food Security” Sub-Theme A “Climate Change: Opportunities for enhanced investments and growth of African Agriculture” Sub-Theme B “Regional Agriculture trade and market systems: Issues and challenges for stimulating economic transformation and growth in Africa” Sub-Theme C “Investment Financing: Making African Agriculture a viable investment option” Sub-Theme D “Stimulating participation of the poor and other vulnerable groups in rural economic activities”

Overall scope … NEPAD Vision Achieving sustainable socio-economic growth, food security and poverty alleviation … Strategies that will identify and support opportunities for “wealth creation and socio-economic growth” based on feasible and viable growth options and commodities including inter-sectoral implementation systems changes in the “business model”

NEPAD Objectives, Principles and Values African ownership, responsibility and leadership; Good governance and sound economic management; Accelerated regional economic integration; Promotion of partnerships with the private sector, civil society and the international community; A new partnership with industrialized nations, multilateral institutions and all based on mutual respect and responsibility 6

The NEPAD Core Action Areas Science and Technology Agriculture Access to markets Peace and Security The NEPAD Core Action Areas Health Democracy and political governance Environment Infrastructure Human resource 7

MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT Broad Context - Vision MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDG 1 and 7) PARIS DECLARATION on Aid Effectiveness: Directly supporting: alignment and harmonization agenda NEPAD Principles and Development Targets Partnerships African ownership 6% growth target - Capacity PRSPs  NEPAD: - CAADP Environment Action Plan  UNCCD: Land degradation and combating desertification Others, e.g. UNFCC

Agriculture, Land and Livestock Ministers’ Decisions …

“Investing in Agriculture for Economic Growth and Food Security” AU Summit Theme “Investing in Agriculture for Economic Growth and Food Security” Sub-Theme A “Climate Change: Opportunities for enhanced investments and growth of African Agriculture” Sub-Theme B “Regional Agriculture trade and market systems: Issues and challenges for stimulating economic transformation and growth in Africa” Sub-Theme C “Investment Financing: Making African Agriculture a viable investment option” Sub-Theme D “Stimulating participation of the poor and other vulnerable groups in rural economic activities”

The African Agricultural Ministers: Requests the AUC-NEPAD to facilitate development of an SLM-Agricultural based climate change adaptation framework to guide operationalization and financing the scaling up of SLM in the context of NEPAD’s CAADP and EAP Environmental Action Plan Calls upon Member States to increase investment support to initiatives aimed at strengthening knowledge, advancing technical capacity development, and up-scale sustainable land and water management practices including conservation agriculture, agro-forestry, watershed management

The African Agricultural Ministers: Calls upon Governments and partners to increase financing support for sustainable land management and agricultural water management, irrigation and water control systems to enhance agricultural production in Africa and address the issue of climate variability and related food insecurity within the context of the CAADP agenda Urge AUC-NEPAD and partners to ensure issues and initiatives on combating desertification and agricultural water management are directly considered and integrated in the efforts to support sustainable land management (SLM)-agriculture based climate variability and climate change adaptation measures

The African Agricultural Ministers: Requests the AUC-NEPAD to facilitate development of an SLM-Agricultural based climate change adaptation framework to guide operationalization and financing the scaling up of SLM in the context of NEPAD’s CAADP and EAP Environmental Action Plan

Agriculture based climate change Adaptation framework

Purpose of CCA Framework The purpose of the CAADP CC Adaptation Framework is to outline a set of principles, actions, roles and responsibilities, and financing recommendations to guide NEPAD-CAADP engagement in implementing agriculturally related climate change adaptation programmes in Africa. The framework should guide engagement at all levels from continental to national/local and across the levels The framework will form a common strategy for proactively addressing climate change through adaptation and mitigation measures, linking together partners at all levels, all focused on achieving the goals and objectives of NEPAD

Key value elements of the Framework Will to provide for: Comprehensive and systematic and coherent programmes Systematic reforms in policies Integrated attention to organisational and human capacity, institutional arrangements Integrated and programmatic approach across the sectors, disciplines, ecosystems as well as transboundary Coherent framework to guide partnerships including alignment of the development partners support to an African agenda

Value Added of the CCA Framework To maintain a high degree of emphasis on linkages between climate change, sustainable land management, food security, and poverty alleviation in Africa in policy and development programming To highlight roles played by different partners in addressing climate change in African agriculture To facilitate collaboration and coordination of efforts in climate change policy, research and development as it relates to agriculture, in order to increase impact To provide a clear and compelling investment programme for African agriculture that delivers on the twin objectives of meeting current food security needs whilst building capacity of rural systems and agricultural assets (e.g. soils) to offset or respond to climate change effects

Framework Outline

Outline for the CCA Framework (1) Rationale for Agriculture based Climate Change Adaptation Framework Adaptation and mitigation practices and techniques for agriculture Promoting the use of CC adaptation techniques in agriculture – an overview of constraints and opportunities Promoting the use of CC – institutional and policy (including programme) responses

Outline for the CCA Framework (2) 5. Enhancing the scientific capacity to improve adaptation responses 6. Financing the adaptation agenda in agriculture Moving the framework into action – operational systems/coordination mechanism; monitoring and evaluation # Tools (Financing; Partnerships; PER; Inclusive consultations; Facilitating Policy dialogue;

Framework structure Technologies Training R&D Scaling up best Capacity Building Training R&D Scaling up best practices Knowledge Management Policies Partnerships Organisations Financing

Action areas/issues

Investments Coalition Building Knowledge Management j Action/intervention areas/issues Impact areas Action areas  Enhanced & sustainable Capacity Organisational development; M&E; Peer learning; Evidence Based analysis; Policy dialogue Financing (Investments & capacity development)  Productivity; Resilience Investments Coalition Building Knowledge Management

Fostering Up-scaling of Best Practices for Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation in Agriculture (1) Principles/approaches: Identify concrete actions that build on existing efforts where possible They should focus on ex ante climate change adaptation measures that add resilience to systems and offset predicted climate change effects and importantly address current food security needs They should complement and link with other major initiatives such as TerrAfrica, AGRA, NAPs, etc.

Fostering Up-scaling of Best Practices for Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation in Agriculture (2) Principles/approaches: These should be at significant scale and for medium term in order to have impact Identify flexible governance and financing mechanisms to facilitate rather than hinder investment (e.g. could allow earmarks for certain thematic or geographical areas) They should encourage innovation and be rigorously monitored for livelihood and climate change impacts

Framework Development process Development process = NEPAD led consultative and inclusive (Governments; RECs, e.g. the COMESA-EAC- SADC Initiative; Development partners; Knowledge and Research Institutions and RECs) “Happening in-situ” and integrated in African institutions (linked to capacity building, ownership, etc… !!) Scoping exercise – Team of consultants and multi-partner technical committee NEPAD CAADP and EAP providing the overall scope and common vision Linked to possible investment programmes: e.g. 2 million smallholder farmers supported in adopting conservation agriculture by 2012 (All regions)

Expert Meetings/Studies Operationalizing of the Framework … just as much a Post-Kyoto Strategy … AU Summit Post- Kyoto Expert Meetings/Studies Ministerial Meetings Copenhagen

Operationalizing of the Framework (1) Possible Actions at national level ….  Facilitate / support up-scaling of proven practices that raise productivity and provide adaptation or mitigation benefits in the face of climate variability and change  Integrate CCA interventions into PRSPs and other development planning systems / capacity and ability  Strengthen communication and capacity in CCA knowledge and skills, e.g. of extension staff  Identify and address institutional or policy impediments  Promote synergies across projects, programmes, and sectors – use CC or SLM platforms -- e.g. on stemming degradation and deforestation

Operationalizing of the Framework (2) Possible Actions at regional and sub-regional levels …  Increase political support for SLWM/Agriculture  Technical backstopping in best practices  Mobilize resources and identify mechanisms for cross country learning (knowledge management) and possibly for coordinated implementation  Provide funding mechanism which is attractive for investors  Provide quality assurance of investments through vetting, oversight, M&E

Next steps… Stakeholder workshop on implementation strategies and mechanisms = 30th June 09 Scoping exercise Advocacy = Climate Change and food security; wealth creation Operationalisation (by end of 2009): TerrAfrica SLM-Food security-CC flagship investment programmes Regional mechanisms Country/Community Programmes design and financing
