8-11 September 2008 Chiang Mai, Thailand Experiences of Dhaka SoE Report Process, Policy Impacts, Weakness/Areas of Improvement? UNEP/IEA Methodology for The Preparation of Dhaka City State of Environment Report MD. GOLAM RABBANI Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS)
Steps in the Process of Preparing Dhaka SoE Report Identification of relevant stakeholders for inception-training Identification of relevant stakeholders for inception-training GOs (DoE, WARPO, DCC, RAJUK, WASA, AEC, BRTA, BIWTA, LGED, Ministry of Industry) GOs (DoE, WARPO, DCC, RAJUK, WASA, AEC, BRTA, BIWTA, LGED, Ministry of Industry) NGOs (Waste Concern, IWM, CEGIS, BRAC, BELA) NGOs (Waste Concern, IWM, CEGIS, BRAC, BELA) Research and academic institutions ( BCAS, Jahangirnagar University, Asian University) Research and academic institutions ( BCAS, Jahangirnagar University, Asian University) Other Organizations: Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Lawyers and Consultants Other Organizations: Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Lawyers and Consultants UNEPRRCAP UNEPRRCAP
Steps in the Process of Preparing Dhaka SoE Report Inception cum training workshop (3 days long) Inception cum training workshop (3 days long) Conceptual development Conceptual development Methodology sharing Methodology sharing Identification of issues Identification of issues Data /information sources Data /information sources Air Water Land use SWM Sewage Management Slums and squatters Natural disaster (flood) Noise pollution Environmental health
Steps in the Process of Preparing Dhaka SoE Report Data / Information collection Data / Information collection Data/information compilation Data/information compilation Data/Information assessment, analysis and synthesis Data/Information assessment, analysis and synthesis Preparation of the first draft report Preparation of the first draft report Questions Questions What is happening to the environment ? What is happening to the environment ? Why is it happening? Why is it happening? What can we do and what are we doing about it? What can we do and what are we doing about it? What will happen if we dont act now? What will happen if we dont act now? P - S - I - R Pressure - State - Impact -Response
Steps in the Process of Preparing Dhaka SoE Report Consultation meeting with relevant stakeholders and professional experts Consultation meeting with relevant stakeholders and professional experts Second draft report Second draft report Review of the report Review of the report - Internal review by the project team - Internal review by the project team - External review by the technical experts - External review by the technical experts Final Report Final Report Publication Publication Dissemination Dissemination
Capacity Building through academic and research institutions – using case in Capacity Building through academic and research institutions – using case in academic courses of the universities academic courses of the universities Research agenda for the students and academicians Research agenda for the students and academicians Capacity building of GO/NGOs through sharing information and clear picture of Capacity building of GO/NGOs through sharing information and clear picture of the environment of the city the environment of the city Decision making process (urban planning, district, sub-district level) Decision making process (urban planning, district, sub-district level) Capacity building of the Business and Trade communities on environmental Capacity building of the Business and Trade communities on environmental issues issues Information sharing through media-better vehicle for capacity sharing Information sharing through media-better vehicle for capacity sharing Using IEA methodology in other program (NPA, LEG project) Using IEA methodology in other program (NPA, LEG project) Impacts
Buriganga Development Authority to save Buriganga (life-line Buriganga Development Authority to save Buriganga (life-line of Dhaka) of Dhaka) Recovery of canals (improvement of drainage system) Recovery of canals (improvement of drainage system) Enforcement of Government Policy (Env Policy, Urban Wet. Pro Enforcement of Government Policy (Env Policy, Urban Wet. Pro Act) to prevent encroachment Act) to prevent encroachment Installment of ETPs in the industries Installment of ETPs in the industries Improvement of surface drainage system Improvement of surface drainage system Increased SW disposal rate Increased SW disposal rate Improve transport system-promotion of CNG and private transports Improve transport system-promotion of CNG and private transports
Involvement of key agencies/institutions in the process (e.g. Dhaka- Involvement of key agencies/institutions in the process (e.g. Dhaka- DoE, DCC, RAJUK, WASA, BUET/DU/NSU): Access to data/data sharing and DoE, DCC, RAJUK, WASA, BUET/DU/NSU): Access to data/data sharing and issue of ownership, capacity building of group of institutions issue of ownership, capacity building of group of institutions Creation of national/city Integrated Environmental Data base-capacity Creation of national/city Integrated Environmental Data base-capacity building through resource sharing in future building through resource sharing in future Modify questioning model Modify questioning model A structured Format on Environmental Information from each of the key A structured Format on Environmental Information from each of the key agencies: agencies: Mandates related to environmental (environmental resources and utility) Mandates related to environmental (environmental resources and utility) issues issues Existing instruments to manage Existing instruments to manage Capacity (technical, personnel) Capacity (technical, personnel) Budget (trend of allocation) Budget (trend of allocation) Weakness/Areas of improvement/Follow up
What is happening to environmental resources (air, water, land, biodiversity) and utility services (energy, water supply, sanitation, sewage management etc? What is happening to environmental resources (air, water, land, biodiversity) and utility services (energy, water supply, sanitation, sewage management etc? What is the status (quantification of environmental resources)? What is the status (quantification of environmental resources)? How is it happening? How is it happening? Who are responsible for this (factors/users/stakeholders)? Who are responsible for this (factors/users/stakeholders)? Who are managing this (regulatory/implementing agency)? Who are managing this (regulatory/implementing agency)? How do they manage? How they are equipped to manage this? How do they manage? How they are equipped to manage this? What are the instruments (regulatory/monitoring) for managing this? (policy, plan, programme, budget etc) What are the instruments (regulatory/monitoring) for managing this? (policy, plan, programme, budget etc) What can we do together to manage this (GO/NGO/AI/DP/UNEP) What can we do together to manage this (GO/NGO/AI/DP/UNEP) What may happen if we (together) dont act now? What may happen if we (together) dont act now?
IEA report in local language is important IEA report in local language is important Climate Change Assessment for Dhaka City Climate Change Assessment for Dhaka City Weakness/Areas of improvement/Follow up
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