Level 1 Lacrosse Pre-Work GLLOA Pre-Training Packet 2013 Boy’s Lacrosse Rules Book, an NFHS publication Rule 1: The Game, Field, and Equipment (p. 6-19) Rule 2: Game Personnel (p ) Rule 3: Time Factors (p )
Purpose & Instructions Dear New Official: Welcome to the Great Lakes Lacrosse Officials Association! Since 1983, GLLOA has been training lacrosse referees for success at the youth, indoor, high school, club, and NCAA levels. As the sport’s popularity increased, so has the need for qualified officials. With decades of experience in training lacrosse officials, we have found it invaluable for Level 1 referees to start their training with some exposure to the NFHS rule book prior to class. This provides trainees an introduction to the game of lacrosse, the field it is played on, and some officiating language. In completing this packet, you will have achieved a basic exposure to the NFHS Boy’s Lacrosse Rules Book and with Rules 1, 2, and 3 prior to class. It will allow you to establish a base of knowledge necessary to officiate lacrosse at every level and allow us as your trainers to cover the most static and least complicated rules quicker. The end result will be beneficial to the growth of your lacrosse officiating skills. We will have more time in class to go into greater depth covering the play of the game, personal and technical fouls, penalty enforcement, and game management topics. Furthermore, we will have time to hold practical exercises that get you on your feet and out of your seat, view more video of 2012 competition, and listen to the questions you have about “the fastest sport on two feet”. With this in mind, I encourage you to first read rules 1, 2, and 3 in your NFHS rule book prior to attending training. Then, complete and bring this packet with you to training. This will not be turned in nor graded, but it will be valuable to know this information at the start of training. The first 30 minutes of class will be used for questions on these topics, a review of the information, and networking. Should you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach me direct at to Welcome to the third team on the field! David C. Krok President, GLLOA
Rule 1: The Field Circle the corners where the seven cones should be placed. What is line A? _______________ What is line B? _______________ What is line C? _______________ A B C C B What is line D? _______________ What is Box E? _______________ What is line F? _______________ What is line G? _______________ D D E F F GGGG 110 yards 60 yards
Rule 1: Player Equipment Stick measurements are made from tip to tail. Legal short sticks measure ___” to ___” Legal long sticks measure ___” to ___” Always check for an ___ ___ at the bottom of the stick. – NOTE: GLLOA does not teach nor recommend measuring goalie sticks. Legal NFHS stick heads measurements. Width of lacrosse stick head? ______ Length of lacrosse stick head? ______ These topics will be covered in more detail in training.
Rule 1: Player Equipment Name the mandatory equipment: 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5._____________ 6.Players ___ ___ wear jewelry, except for medial alerts that are taped to their bodies. Name the goalie equipment requirements: 1.Which of the above 5 are optional for goalies? _______ & ______. 2.Goalies also have to wear _______ and ______ protectors. These topics will be covered in more detail in training.
Rule 2: Game Personnel Minimally, how many players must a team have present to start a game? _______ What is the maximum number of long sticks a team can have on the field? _______ Can a team play with less than 10 players? _____ The In-Home player is listed _______ in the scorebook and is always a _______. The ______ team coach supplies a proper field, the time keeper, score keeper, and ball retrievers or spare lacrosse balls on the end lines.
Rule 3: Time Factors The regulation playing time of a game shall be ___ periods of ___ minutes. – NOTE: The above statement applies to IHSLA Varsity games. In the Frosh/Soph and JV games, all regular periods last 10 minutes. After the first half, if the score differential reaches ___ goals, the clock is only stopped for time outs or injuries. This is also called “running time”. There is a ___ minute interval between the ___ and ___ as well as the ___ and ___ periods. Between the ___ and ___ periods, there is a ___ minute interval, unless another time is mutually agreed to by the coaches. In the event of a tie, there will be a ___ minute interval before starting overtime. Overtime periods last ___ minutes with ___ minute intervals between them. The first score will win the game.