Sponsored Project Training Program Cost Policy on Sponsored Agreements and Cost Transfers Involving Sponsored Agreements UOP Updates March 13, 2013 Sponsored Project Training Program13/13/2013
Agenda Cost Policy on Sponsored Agreements ◦ Review principles ◦ Process at proposal stage of grant lifecycle ◦ Enhanced form ◦ Examples Cost Transfers Involving Sponsored Agreements UOP ◦ Statistics ◦ General principles Future enhancements ◦ Cost policy PeopleSoft changes Continuations & renewals Closeout ◦ Cost Transfers Journal attachments during journal roll Form clarification Sponsored Project Training Program23/13/2013
Cost Policy on Sponsored Agreements Provides guidance for directly charging costs Clarifies what are normally direct costs and indirect costs Outlines a process and the circumstances for charging indirect costs as a direct cost Effective July 1, 2012 Policy: Additional information: Sponsored Project Training Program33/13/2013
Cost policy principles General principles ◦ Focus on the extra-ordinary need ◦ Use questions at the bottom of the form to help with decision making and form completion ◦ Not based on the department’s inability/ability to support the expense Administrative Salaries ◦ Programmatic Sponsored Project Training Program43/13/2013
Cost policy principles General Supplies ◦ Specific programmatic ◦ Need is extraordinary (over and above what is typical) ◦ Generally not for financial/progress reports etc. Sponsored Project Training Program53/13/2013
Cost policy principles Computer ◦ Scope of work needs computer ◦ Used 95% or more on the grant ◦ If grants change, computer on unrestricted funds ◦ Specific personnel who are 100% distributed on the grant Telephone ◦ Generally not allowable ◦ 95% distributed ◦ Scope of work needs the telephone (confidentiality) Sponsored Project Training Program63/13/2013
Work orders/Memberships & Fees ◦ Specific to the project Equipment maintenance ◦ Focus is on allocation method Sponsored Project Training Program7 Cost policy principles 3/13/2013
Cost Policy – proposal process Form submission Follow up Award process implications Sponsored Project Training Program83/13/2013
Cost Policy – Form Enhancements Highlights ◦ Proposal Type replaced by PS award number ◦ Approval Date in the Action box ◦ Link to the policy ◦ “Proposal Type” replaced by Sponsor Award number ◦ Section 1a – Major Project type ◦ Section 1b – Administrative salaries ◦ Link to the administrative title ◦ Section 2 – other direct costs F levels added Sponsored Project Training Program93/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program10 Example 1: Complex project with administrative component and subprojects 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program11 Example 2: Subproject on a complex award 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program12 Example 3: NIH research grant (R01) 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program13 Example 4: NSF research grant 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program14 Example 5: USDE instruction grant 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program15 Example 6: NIH research grant (R01) 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program16 Example 7: State of Vermont instruction award 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program17 Example 8: USDE instruction award 3/13/2013
Cost Policy - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program18 Example 9 – reference to the budget narrative acceptable 3/13/2013
Internal process Urgent forms ◦ financial reporting deadline ◦ Purcard JEs Sponsored Project Training Program193/13/2013
Internal charges Print & Mail charges ◦ PMC business manager will follow up with requestor directly Sponsored Project Training Program203/13/2013
Cost Transfers Involving Sponsored Agreements University Operating Procedure (UOP) Defines cost transfers ◦ Cost transfer is an after-the-fact reallocation of a cost from one University budget to another Identifies best practices to avoid them Clarifies back up documentation requirements Sponsored Project Training Program213/13/2013
Cost transfer UOP Effective January 1, 2013 UOP: Additional information: ml Sponsored Project Training Program223/13/2013
Cost transfer UOP Statistics – Operating transfers Sponsored Project Training Program23 MonthTotal Number of JEsUntimely JEsApproved January10316 February /13/2013
Cost transfer UOP Principles Purpose of the Cost transfer memo (CTM) ◦ Capture the full story ◦ Fully document reasons We all know things happen and need to show that ◦ We have well documented procedures that work in most situations ◦ Reasons for the exception are clear ◦ The exceptions remain as such ◦ Processes have been reviewed at to possibly incorporate the exceptions Sponsored Project Training Program243/13/2013
Cost transfer UOP - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program253/13/2013
Cost transfer UOP - Examples Sponsored Project Training Program263/13/2013
Form clarification Person entering the journal ◦ If the person entering the journal and filling out the CTM, they need not have to necessarily sign the form Department approver – signature required PI –signature or approval required Sponsored Project Training Program273/13/2013
Future enhancements – cost policy Justification form for ongoing awards (continuations and renewals) Financial closeouts Coordination with CAS about administrative/clerical personnel on active/closing grants PeopleSoft changes ◦ Closeout report Website updates Sponsored Project Training Program283/13/2013
Future enhancements – cost transfer UOP Form changes ◦ signatures vs names ◦ JE #s in the CTM Attachments available if journals roll Tracking and review of late cost transfers Sponsored Project Training Program293/13/2013
Open lab Sponsored Project Training Program303/13/2013