Www.hertsdirect.org HCPA presentation Mark Janes Head of Community Support.


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Presentation transcript:

HCPA presentation Mark Janes Head of Community Support

What you asked What is it that providers need to do to be looked upon favourably by contracts and what the process is for new providers. Recommendations would you make to a small business to help them change their service and therefore be looked on favourably by either HCC or people with direct budgets/individual service funds Personalisation Dementia LD and enablement

Commissioning Challenge Making sure the things people need and want are available where and when they need them!

Direction of travel Personalisation / choice. Enablement and down the care tariff. Electronic Market place. Quality of care. Choice. Value for money.

Personal budget Contracted or provided Contracted or provided and Direct payment Direct Payment Care review

Current Market Complex in Hertfordshire. Vary by client group and Locality. Home care market. Day opportunities. Direct payments. Equipment and telecare. Health services.

Need learning Disability and Autism Learning disability 4000 people with a severe moderate learning disability Autism 6000 people with autism What we know about this group. Multiple disability. Changing expectations. Out of county and shift form residential to community support Colleges.

Dementia population growth

Need older people Dementia. Aging population. Changing expectations. Prevention of admission. Shift to community care.

Spend 10/11 Home Care: There are currently 38 different Providers (8 block / 30 spot) delivering 2.3M commissioned hours of home care through 105K visits per week to 7500 service users. The total home care spend 10/11 was £38M. Equipment Solutions: Equipment is provided via joint arrangements with Health. Spend in 10/11 on equipment and delivery by HCS £2.3M total spend with health contribution £4.1M.

Block vs. Spot Annual hours

Home care Enablement service for 80% of all new home care service users and rising. Move to alignment with Intermediate care. Dementia care 20% to 30 % of existing home care service users. A declining market but more dependent clients. Increasing use of telecare. Demographic pressure. Move to electronic market place. Diversification into different service areas?

Spend 10/11 Day opportunities: Across all providers 1400 service users with a learning disability receive a service with spend in 10/11 of £ 8.2M in house and £5.9M in contracted services. In the older and physically disabled market 1200 people receive a service supplied by contracted services and in house. Spend in 10/11 was £2.4M in contracted services and £1.4M in house. Direct payments: are spent by service users on all of the above services in 10/11 spend was £2.8M older people,£6.7M Physically disabled under 65,and £3.1M Learning Disability.

Day opportunities Older people. Learning disability. Adult mental health. Younger physically disabled. What are these services for?

Service models Building based Land based Community support Time limited Personal development. Outcomes

What is it that providers need to do to be looked upon favourably by contracts and what the process is for new providers. Don’t have an approved list we either have a contract or we don’t. Accommodation solutions, Community support, Community and Wellbeing, Joint Commissioning Team. So no contracts team. Does the service need to be registered CQC? Track record / innovation. Moving to a world of Direct payment,service funds and spot contracts. Think about price, sessions or hourly. Marketing into an e-market place.

Recommendations would you make to a small business to help them change their service and therefore be looked on favourably by either HCC or people with direct budgets/individual service funds? Talk to service users and carers Talk to us I / we will listen. Outcomes Personalisation, promoting independence, prevention of admission, development. Think about quality. Look at local services and Gaps.

Mark Janes Head of Community Support Mobile Community Support (SFAR203) HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Health and Community Services Department Farnham House Six Hills Way Stevenage SG1 2FQ