Paul Mundy 1 Recycling communication materials
Paul Mundy 2 Recycling communication materials Producing quality materials = expensive and takes skilled staff Reduce costs by recycling Rewrite information materials for different media, different audiences
Paul Mundy Multiple uses of information Magazine article Newspaper article Press release Video Radio prog Conf paper Journal article Discussion paper Case study Thesis Report Evaluation Mini case PowerPoint Discussion forum Speech Website Book chapter Annual report Brochure Schoolbook Policy brief Children’s story
Marketing by pastoralists in East Africa Original book Children’s books Policy brief Info briefs Training manual Posters
Marketing chains When they sell their animals or products, pastoralists are at the start of a marketing chain (or “value chain”, or “supply chain”) that leads eventually to the consumer. There may be only a few actors in this chain, or there may be many (Figure 2). 7 What is a market chain? Imagine a rope with knots in it. You, the producer, are at a knot at one end of the rope. At the other end is the consumer, the person who eats the meat or drinks the milk you have produced. At each knot in the rope is someone who buys and sells the animal or its meat or milk. Some ropes are short and have only a few knots. Some ropes are long and have many knots.
8 Recycling communication materials Use the same information Use case study as basis Rewrite in different styles Add new information if necessary Build a collection of cases to support your arguments