CSE1GDT Game Design Theory 2009 – Paul Taylor
Game Development Games have 3 Main Inputs of effort –Engineering –Art –Design Having all 3 is essential to building a game –That doesn’t mean you need to provide all 3 yourself
Development Team Roles –Management –Design –Art –Programming –Audio –Other Roles Admin, organisation, etc
Baisc Level Design Why does a level need to be designed? What is a bad design? Why does a programmer need to know this?
Basic Elements A Concept An Environment A Beginning At least one Goal At least one Challenge An End (or more) Reward (s) Failure Plan (s)
Combining some Basic Elements
Game Design Tools For Us XNA –Prototyping –Development Photoshop / GIMP 2.x –Textures –Sprites –Interface Text Paper –Design –Ideas –Concepts
Core Elements / Mechanics What is needed to make the game? What would destroy the game if it were removed?
Tomb Raider The Game
Tomb Raider The Board Game
The Book of Lenses Lens #1 Page 21 theAofGD What experience do I want the player to have? What is essential to that experience? How can my game capture that essence?
Agile Development Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
The specifics of Agile Development In effect our goals are: Trusting People to do their job Being flexible to changes required Delivering working projects at every iteration of the development Solid, not excessive documentation
Game Design Competition me_design_challenge_rebooting_.php Due by next Tuesday Less than 500 words – easy! BCC my address on your submission Include your full name, and affiliation to Game Design Theory – La Trobe University
The Assignment Format Week 1 is THIS week At the end of Week 12 you will submit your final development of the projects. 11 Weeks and 3 days left..... Tick Tock!
The Assignment Autism - The Game –This is a game that is meant to educate non- autistic people on how the world can be perceived by a person with Autism –Many Texts and Videos have covered Autism, but with the immersion of gaming we can create an experience for players, as opposed to just reading about the condition
As a team you will be developing the game as you decide best. We will help you out along the way, with any issues you have By the end I expect we will have many different games, each very different from the others
Assignment Storage Live Mesh Each Team will have an account Each Team member will gain access to the account with both their own storage (read-only to other team members) and shared storage (editable by all team members)
Week 1 Goals Write a submission for the gamecareerguide.com competition Get together into a group. Select one of the Game Development Projects Start writing up your own page of ideas for your game development. Learn to use Live Mesh for file sharing
Week 2 -Take the ideas from all of your team and create a single document containing the final ideas for your team. -Scale the design you create to fit within a 12 week timeframe. -Learn the basics of XNA Development
Week 3 Write the first revision of the Game Design Document As a team you will each need to write a section, then when it is all finished, each read over the document and write down any concerns / issues you have Continue learning XNA Create the Class Hierarchy and User Flow for the game
Week 4 Prototyping Stage 1 –Implement the Basic Classes –The User Interface shell –Start building and reviewing the game mechanics
Week 5 Prototyping Stage 2 –Continue development of your prototype to include everything you must test to build the game
Week 6 Review your prototypes and decide on your development goals Create a new set of documents containing all the amendments / changes needed
Week 7 Development Cycle 1 –Start building your Game
Week 8 Second half of the Development Cycle 1
Week 9 Last Game Review before the Final Development Cycle You need to identify everything that works, doesn’t, and all the in-betweens
Week 10 The start of your final Development Cycle
Week 11 This should be the end of your final development phase
Week 12 Final Polishing and Collation of Materials Final Testing Bug Fixing Write a short review on the development process and the final quality of your game
Guest Lecturer The next 3 weeks will be given to you by Simon Joslin, of the Voxel Agents. After Simon, we will continue our study of Games Design and Development I’ll still see you all in the Tutorials and Labs
Things you NEED to do Create your teams Send me all of the team addresses –You also need to have your registered with windows live (aka hotmail addresses or sign your address up at live.com) –Use your live account to create a mesh.com account Submit a entry to the gcg competition and bcc me when you do! (It is part of your subject mark!)
References Game Design and Develoment, E. Adams & A. Rollings, 2007, Pearson Printice Hall Game Level Design, Ed Byrne, 2005, Charles River Media The Art of Game Design