FP7 /1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 Claus Brüning Climate Change and Environmental Risks - Unit Environment Directorate DG Research, European Commission WMO/UNEP Ozone Research Manager Meeting Geneva, May 2008
FP7 /2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 Introduction The 6th Frame Work Programme for Research and technological Development (FP6, ) Stratospheric research priorities under FP6 ( ) Stratospheric research projects supported under FP6 The 7th Framework programme for Research and technological Development (FP7, ) Stratospheric research priorities under FP7, second call (2008) Future stratospheric research activities in FP7 Conclusions
FP7 /3 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 FP6 ( ) sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems budget: 700 Mill Objectives: Support of integrated multidisciplinary research, sustainability to be integrated in all areas of research, especially Energy, Transport and Agriculture implemented mainly through Integrated Projects (IPs) I. Impact and mechanisms of greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric pollutants on climate, ozone depletion and carbon sinks II. Water cycle, including soil-related aspects III.Biodiversity and ecosystems IV.Mechanisms of desertification and natural disasters V.Strategies for sustainable land management, including coastal zones, agricultural land and forests VI. Operational forecasting and modelling including global climatic change observation systems VII. Complementary research
FP7 /4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 FP6 ( ) sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems Area I: Impact and mechanisms of greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric pollutants on climate, ozone depletion and carbon sinks Research priorities I.1Carbon and nitrogen cycles: sources and sinks I.2Atmospheric pollutants and their regional impacts I.3Climate dynamics and variability I.4Prediction of climate change and its impacts I.5Stratospheric ozone and climate interactions I.6Adaptation and mitigation strategies
FP7 /5 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 FP6 ( ) sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems I.5. Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Interactions Core objectives Future stratospheric ozone levels Impact of Climate Change on the Stratosphere UV Radiation Aviation impacts on the UTLS
FP7 /6 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 FP6 ( ) sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems IP SCOUT-O3 (Stratosphere-Climate links with emphasis on the UTLS) Co-ordinator: John Pyle, University of Cambridge, UK 59 Partners, budget 15 Mill, 5 years duration, 1 May 2004 Core Objectives : Ozone variability at mid-latitudes Inter-annual variability in polar processes Tropical UTLS and transport processes Stratospheric dynamics and trends Stratosphere/Troposphere coupling – past and future Predictions of ozone recovery Past UV changes, variability and trends
FP7 /7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 FP6 ( ) sub-priority Global Change and Ecosystems IP GEOMON (Global Earth Observation and MONitoring) Co-ordinator: Philippe Ciais, CEA, FR 38 Partners, budget 6,2 Mill, 4 years duration, 1 February 2007 Core Objectives: unify and harmonize the main Europeans networks of surface and aircraft- based measurements support data gathering at existing networks (NDACC) coordinate access to data and data-products at a common data centre integrate surface measurements with those of satellites develop new methodologies to use these data for satellite validation enable new ground-based measurements complementary to satellites reduce biases and random errors in satellite observation
FP7 /8 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May th Framework Programme ( ) Indicative budget for Programme Cooperation Total budget for Programme Cooperation Health Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities 610 Space Security 1.350
FP7 /9 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 Climate Change, pollution and risks Sustainable management of resources Environmental Technologies -Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources - Evolution of marine environments - Earth observation - Forecasting methods and assessment tools - Pressures on environment and climate - Environment and health - Natural Hazards - Technologies for observation, prevention, mitigation,…, of the natural and man-made environment -protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat - Technology assessment, verification, testing Earth observation and assessment tools Environment (incl. Climate Change)
FP7 /10 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May Climate Change, pollution and risks Pressures on environment and climate 2 nd call 2008: budget 42 Mill Objective: to understand the key processes controlling the dynamics of the climate- human-earth system and to predict its future evolution as a basis for policy making area 1: The Earth System and Climate: Functioning and abrupt changes area 2: Emissions and Pressures: natural and anthropogenic - Climate-chemistry interactions in the Stratosphere related to ozone depletion area 3: The Global Carbon cycle - GreenHouse Gas budget area 4: Future Climate area 5: Climate Change Natural and Socio-economic Impacts area 6. Response strategies: Adaptation, Mitigation and Policies
FP7 /11 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May Climate Change, pollution and risks Environment and Health 2 nd Call 2008: budget 20 Mill I area 1: Health effects of exposure to environmental stressors - Quantification of changing surface UV radiation levels and its impact on human health area 2: Integrated approaches for environment and health risk assessment area 3: Delivery of methods and decision support tools for risk analysis and policy development
FP7 /12 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 Future stratospheric research activities in FP7 (indicative) Atmospheric chemistry and climate change interactions Links between climate change, atmospheric pollution, UV- radiation and its impacts on ecosystems Direct and indirect effects of natural and anthropogenic aerosols and cloud-climate feedbacks, and future precipitation changes Lower-middle atmosphere interactions Global change and radiation transfer
FP7 /13 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 Conclusions Climate change already has and will further cool the stratosphere. A cooler stratosphere over polar regions will lead to an increase in the amount of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). PSCs plus high concentration of halogen components are responsible for polar ozone depletion and the Antarctic ozone hole. Therefore there is a (high) risk that Climate Change and high concentration of halogen (chlorine) components in the stratosphere will cause the development of an ozone hole over arctic polar region in spring time. For this reason it is essential that the Montreal Protocol, the reduction of emissions CFCs, HCFCs etc. is implemented consequently.
FP7 /14 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG – May 2008 Information EU research: Seventh Framework Programme: European Research Council: Info on programmes and projects: RTD info magazine: Information requests: