Forest Bar Game Design Document Yu Li March
I. Brief Description Forest bar is a small bar opened in the deep forest by a diligent piggy. The bar only offers three kinds of drinks, but it is still extremely popular. Guests are mainly residential animals in the forest. The piggy needs to collect enough tips from the guests everyday (within 3 minutes) to advance to the next level. The piggy needs to act fast to take orders, collect tips and clean tables. The guest will leave if he becomes impatient (not served after 20 seconds).
II. Detailed Description-----Basic Concept Forest bar is an action game. The player needs to focus on the needs of the guests and the right orders of the job to win. The game is easy to start and has a very enjoyable environment for the player to work hard, earn enough money and advance. The games fulfills the player’s dream to own or work in a bar (or in general, in a food business) to make money and have fun.
II. Detailed Description-----Objectives The overall goal is to gain as many points as possible to advance to the next level, within 3 minutes for each level. The player has to bring one of the three drinks (iced tea, beer or martini) to the guest and clean the table as soon as the guest leaves. Guests will leave if not being served in 20 seconds.
II. Detailed Description-----Game play When a guest come in and order one of the three drinks the bar offers, the player (the piggy) needs to get the right drink and bring it to the guest. A guest might order 1-3 drinks before he leaves. The player needs to bring him all the drinks in time to get the tips. Guests appear randomly at one of the five tables in the bar.
II. Detailed Description-----Game play continued After a guest leaves, the player needs to clean the table quickly to serve the next guest. When the game advances to the next level, guests will become more impatient, for instance, time limit decreases from 20 seconds to 18 seconds. In addition, more points will be required to pass the level within the same time frame.
II. Detailed Description-----Game play continued Upgrade will be available upon completion of levels. For instance, the piggy will be able to carry two drinks at a time; or the piggy will be able to purchase a TV to ease the impatience of the guests.
III. Storyboards-----major scene
III. Storyboards-----main character piggy
III. Storyboards-----guest
III. Storyboards-----drinks
III. Storyboards-----title screen
III. Storyboards-----level screen