Observation of Alex and Friends By: Matthew Landrum
Characteristics of Autism Impairment in social interaction Impairment in the use of eye contact, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction Lack of social or emotional reciprocity (doesn’t know to be sympathetic) Lack of seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people.
Characteristics Cont. Impairments in communication Tend to say things that don’t have anything to so with the context. Lack of spontaneous make-believe play (ex. Lava land)
Autism Defies Generalization (Need to know) Measured I.Q. Social Interaction Communication Motor Skills (Gross) (Fine) Sensory Severe Gifted Aloof Passive Active/Odd Non-Verbal Verbal Hyposensitive Hypersensitive AwkwardAgile UncoordinatedCoordinated
Mrs. Daniels Preschool Students age range 3-5 Drew- had a speech delay, but now you would not know it. He is very advanced athletically for his age. Lane- is a very immature 5 year old. Gabe- has a speech delay. Lincoln- 3 years old but one of the biggest in the class. Antonio- Normal Noland- immature/just younger Alex- is the main focus of the videos, he is autistic.
Alex and his Aide……… Depending on the day.
What Alex likes Alex is very physical with his Aide. He gives her hugs and/or high fives He LOVES being held! He is always on her lap, being in her lap it provides what I like to call a safe zone. When he is with her she is always keeping him busy. She plays a lot of patty cake when sitting down. Here is a video of his attention span and how easily distracted he gets.
Alex goes for a run!
What Alex does not like Alex does not understand why he is told NO. He does not like all the colors of Fruit Loops together. (need to be separated) Making Eye Contact Being held by other people than his Aide, but he will hold hand.
Go over handout