8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, 2011 7 th ORM Recommendations Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties.


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Presentation transcript:

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Michael J. Kurylo Chairman, 7 th ORM Meeting

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations The recommendations were formulated against the background from the 2006 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion Stratospheric ozone will remain vulnerable to chemical depletion by chlorine and bromine chemicals for much of the current century While the rate of ozone depletion at mid-latitudes has slowed in recent years due to the decline in EESC, polar ozone loss remains large and is highly variable Background

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations 1980 Now 2100 ODS production Global ozone change Ultraviolet radiation change (a) (b) (c) (d) ODS production ODS in the atmosphere Ozone levels – measured and predicted UV levels – based on observations and predictions Ozone-depleting chlorine and bromine in the stratosphere Background

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations The complexities of ozone and UV science require Continuation and expansion of systematic measurement and analysis capabilities for tracking the evolution of ozone- and climate-related source gases and parameters. Detection and tracking the stabilization and expected recovery of stratospheric ozone. Attribution of changes in radiation forcing to changes in the ozone profile or to other atmospheric changes. Derivation of a global record of ground-level UV radiation. Background

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Background

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Research Needs Studies to quantify the chemical, radiative, and dynamical factors contributing to ozone layer evolution in a changing atmosphere (including studies of the consequences of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies) Laboratory studies relating to ozone evolution and monitoring Studies to understand the emissions (natural and anthropogenic), banks, and atmospheric evolution of ODSs, ODS substitutes, and other climate-related trace gases (effects of climate change on sources, sinks, and lifetimes) New questions regarding expected ozone recovery from the influence of ODSs and the interrelationship between ozone and climate variability and change require

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Studies of the role and impact of changes in stratospheric ozone and ODSs on surface climate and on tropospheric processes Studies of the influence of cloud cover, aerosol abundance, albedo, and temperature on surface UV Studies of the effects of UV radiation exposure on human health, ecosystems, and materials Development of new / innovative instrumentation, algorithms, and analyses as a means of reducing measurement uncertainty and increasing global observational capacity for ozone, UV, ODSs, and related variables Status: While international efforts continue, they require continued justification in light of budget pressures Research Needs (continued)

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Systematic Observations Surface Networks: Redistribution of measurements from highly represented areas to the tropics, central Asia, and southern mid-latitudes Preference for Brewers in ozone and UV monitoring expansion Expansion of Umkehr sites for upper stratospheric time series Continuity of in situ observations of ODSs, ODS substitutes, and GHGs as well as of networks providing altitude profile information for ozone- and climate-related species Increase in balloon sonde networks for ozone and water vapor Status: Network operations continue without appreciable expansion and, in some cases, with diminished capacity. Such observations are critical to understanding and monitoring long term changes in ozone and surface UV.

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Satellite Priorities (in recognition of a serious near term gap in measurements of ozone and ozone- / climate-related species): Continuation of solar backscatter UV observations (ozone trends) High vertical resolution profiles for ozone and key molecules via limb viewing (need to understand ΔO 3 vs. ΔODS in a changing climate – a key period for ozone recovery) Gap filling missions between current limb observations and future missions (e.g. solar occultation FTS or limb viewing microwave for high vertical resolution measurements of ozone and ozone-related parameters) Status: Concerns remain. There is recognition of the enhanced role of non-space measurements to fill gaps – see the later presentations on the O 3 vertical trends. Systematic Observations (continued)

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Data Records Priorities: Systematic effort to understand differences between data sets derived using different observational techniques Intercomparison campaigns to reduce systematic differences in observations using identical and different techniques Analysis / archiving of existing (unanalyzed) data sets Reanalysis of data sets based on algorithm or analysis improvements Workshop in 2009/2010 on total ozone time series Status: High quality research is continues for creating long- term data records from different measurements – see later presentations on O 3 vertical trends. Systematic Observations (continued)

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Additional Priorities: Infusion of new (more sophisticated) instruments in network observations (establishment of Standard Operating Procedures) Documentation of spectroscopic parameters used for data analysis; improved measurements of cross-sections for ozone and related species Increased level of collaboration and coordination among various observational networks International calibration structure for UV networks – NDACC protocol example; improved coordination under SAG for UV Monitoring Status: New measurement capabilities continue to be developed. However, deployments are limited by resources. NDACC has implemented Cooperating Network agreements with several networks (similar to AGAGE). Broad international participation in the IGACO-O 3 ACSO Activity Systematic Observations (continued)

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Data Archiving Fully implement 6 th ORM recommendations – Prompt data submission to WOUDC – Funding for archiving of raw data – Support for the re-evaluation of historical data sets Salvage (recovery and assessment) of historical data Development of standard data quality assurance procedures Enhance linkage among data centers (O 3, UV, GHG, met products, etc.) to ensure availability for validation and modeling efforts Archiving of data obtained from regional process studies for improved accessibility Status: Some progress – see presentation on Data Quality Workshop Prior to archiving, data must be quality assured and include metadata required by users.

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Capacity Building Extend global expertise in O 3 and UV observations and research Increase regional & international research and assessment participation – Extended visits to institutions in developed countries – Regional and international validation / intercomparison campaigns – Attendance at conferences and workshops Provide resources for sustainable, long term operation of regional centers Status: Needs still exist. We look to the Regional Reports for a better assessment of progress There is an insufficient number of regional centers for research, calibration, and training (especially in developing countries). Need to expand global networks and develop competence / expertise in developing countries and CEITs.

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Continued contributions to the Trust Fund for Observation and Research (extended by Decision VII/2) – Monetary and in-kind contributions – Quantify in-kind contributions targeted at ozone and UV activities Encourage submission of proposals for funding from the Trust Fund or other relevant in-kind support – Proposal submission throughout the year – Proposal evaluation assisted by WMO/GAW Scientific Advisory Group Include support for capacity building in ozone observations under UNEPs Compliance Assistance Programme Status: The subsequent Trust Fund presentations will serve to indicate progress in these areas. Capacity Building (continued)

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations The 7 th ORM recommendations were presented at the 8 th COP and formed the basis by the parties to enact Decision VIII/2 (Recommendations Adopted by the Ozone Research Managers at their Seventh Meeting), which urged the Parties to make every attempt at implementing the 7 th ORM recommendations in all four areas – In particular, in the area of atmospheric measurements the Doha Declaration urges the Governments of the world to seek to ensure full coverage of the relevant data gathering programmes, in order to ensure that the atmosphere including its stratospheric ozone and its interrelation with climatic change is kept under continuous observation 8 th Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations Decision VIII/3 (Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Financing Activities on Research and Systematic Observations Relevant to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer), which urged the Parties to make voluntary financial contributions to the Trust Fund and requested continued cooperation with respect to the Trust Fund between the Ozone Secretariat and the WMO Decision VIII/4 (Financial Matters: Financial Reports and Budgets), which urged all Parties to pay their outstanding and future contributions and requested the Executive Director to extend the Vienna Convention Trust Fund to December 31, th Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention (continued)

8 th ORM Meeting; Geneva, Switzerland; 2-4 May, th ORM Recommendations A more complete assessment of the level of progress on the 7 th ORM Recommendations will hopefully be derived over the next two days. As you listen to the presentations, please keep the past recommendations in mind and formulate your priorities for the 8 th ORM Recommendations accordingly.