Radiometers and Platforms for Absolute Measurements of the Moon Steven R. Lorentz L-1 Standards and Technology, Inc. 28 September 2005 Gaithersburg, MD
Introduction Goal – how to achieve useful measurements with the moon? What is useful? And to Whom? Do we need a broader buy-in from EOS users? What ever we do, it must be retrievable with multiple flights! Suggest both starting small and looking for avenues for a larger program.
Atmospheric Absorption Borrowed from LASP website
Radiometer Choices? Irradiance or Radiance? Simple Filter Radiometer Single detector with filter wheel Possible to add a spectrometer and use Filter Radiometers to maintain scale. Use SIRCUS to calibrate all of the above.
Platforms Balloon F Up to 100,000 ft pressure is ~1% of sea level UAV F Several years and several dollars Airplane F SOFIA – 747 based IR telescope start flights in 2007 F 40,000 to 45,000 feet F 20% of sea level, but H 2 0 is reduced by 1000 F Telescope limited to +20 to +60 Degrees Elevation Other piggy back opportunities Free Flyer? Shuttle?