International Environmental Governance Report of the Executive Director UNEP.


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Presentation transcript:

International Environmental Governance Report of the Executive Director UNEP

n 1972 Stockholm Conference n 1982 Stockholm+10 review: UNEP GC n 1987 WCED Our Common Future n 1992 Rio Summit - UNCED n 1997 Rio+5 review: UNGA n 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development

Current Status n Multilateral processes –UN system: GA, ECOSOC, UNEP, CSD –specialized agencies –Other organizations –Networks, Major groups n Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Strengths of the existing arrangements n Institutional developments for sectoral issues - national and international n Multilateral processes within and outside of the UN system n UNEP: global environmental authority n Multilateral environmental agreements n Engagement of major groups

Weaknesses of the existing arrangements n Inadequate and fragmented institutional arrangements n Inadequate policy coordination n Inadequate mechanisms to translate the existing commitment into action n Inadequate resources

Financing the Global Environment n Sources of finance: ODA, multilateral financial flows via international organizations, conventions, etc n Multilateral financial mechanisms –GEF, Global Mechanism, Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund, etc n Debt relief, Private capital flows, Non-traditional financing mechanisms Non-traditional financing mechanisms

Needs n A greatly strengthened institutional structure geared to address global environmental challenges n Integrated, holistic approach aiming at sustainable development n To address: Credibility, Authority and Mandate, Financial Resources, Participation of all actors

Options Available proposals cover: n Organizational structures n Coordination n Multilateral Environmental Agreements –Effectiveness –Compliance and enforcement –Coordination

Consultation process n Intergovernmental Group of Ministers n Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP n Expert group n Civil Society-NGO-Private sector n Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, February 2002