Participating in the Education for Sustainable Development Innovations Course – for Universities in Africa -
A participatory initiative … Over 50 university lecturers have already contributed … Participatory programme design (since 2004) Participatory materials development Participatory funding and functioning An open process – broadening participation through various approaches This is OUR initiative – developed in Africa for Africa - through further participation it can grow from strength to strength …
Universities participating in society …
Agreed upon learning outcomes … (pg. 5 of course orientation) 1: Conceptualise the relevance of ESD in relation to teaching, research, community services and management … 2: Design and apply innovative approaches to teaching, research and /or community services that reflect principles and values of SD … 3: Develop and apply innovative strategies to strengthen institutional capacity for responding to environmental and development issues … What can you do this week to achieve these learning outcomes?
Participatory outcomes … (green sheets in course orientation) On course task (to be completed during the course) Plan an ESD innovation for implementation in your University context. It can be an innovation on one or more of the following areas: Teaching (curriculum design / transformative learning / assessment) Research Community service programme Management / Leadership
Participatory outcomes … (cont) Applied Task (to be done after the course) Implement an ESD innovation that you have planned in your University context. This could be an innovation in one or more of the following areas: –Teaching innovation (curriculum, pedagogy, use of ICT) –Research innovation –Service innovation –Management innovation
A participatory process … PROCESS & OUTCOMES ESD Innovations Course File & Toolkit A platform for dialogue and reflection Many new ideas for action Resource Team Our knowledge Our experience Participants Your knowledge Your experience ESD Innovations in African Universities
Your participation …. What can you do to participate in this initiative this week? How will you support the participation of others during the week? What can you do to support others to participate in this initiative in your university / country context?
Good luck!