PANEL III: The Istanbul Convention – Objectives and Implementation Coordinated efforts - Toward new European standards in protection of women from gender based violence Autonomous Women’s Center (AWC), Belgrade Vanja Macanovic Europe Aid/132438/C/ACT/Multi This project is funded by the European Union.
Project partners and associates
Framework for the Action Integrating framework for partnership strategy - the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (2011). Developed a joint strategy that will contribute to the establishment of a comprehensive and coherent legislative and policy solution for VAW in the Western Balkans (WB).
The strategy should speed up the processes of: (a) ratification of the new CoE Convention (b) harmonisation of national laws and policies with the provisions of the CoE Convention (c) full implementation of the CoE Convention at the national and local level. Prerequisite for all this is that women's CSOs and networks in the WB region develop capacities for active participation in state-civil society dialogue in order to achieve a significant impact on the countries towards reaching the goals and the purpose of the CoE Convention.
Activities on the regional level: Mutual unique campaign methodology for the baseline study common indicators for monitoring implementation of the CoE Convention provisions a joint proposal for a unique administrative database on VAW on the national level: advocacy activities
Activities on the local level: monitoring the institutional response to VAW and social inclusion of women from vulnerable groups advocating for the improvement of local policies and practices
First regional activity Mutual Unique Campaign I
Second regional activity Regional Conference for stake holders November 10 th, CoE Special Rapporteur on VAW -Representative of the EU parliament -MP’s/Ministers, Gender bodies from all 6 countries -29 Women’s organizations from 6 countries
Third regional activity Baseline study Chapter I – Purposes, definitions, equality and non discrimination, general obligations (art. 3, 5) Chapter II - Integrated polices and data collection Chapter III – Prevention (art. 15, 16) Chapter IV – Protection and support Chapter V – Substantive law Chapter VI – Investigation, prosecution, procedural law and protective measures Chapter VII – Migration and asylum
Thank you for your attention! Autonomous Women’s Centre, Serbia