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The Circulatory System Diseases, Disorders, and Diagnostic Terms
TermDefinition Cardiomyopathygeneral term: primary disease of the heart muscle Myocarditisinflammation of the heart muscle Endocarditisinflammation of the endocardium; affects the heart valves as well; caused by microorganisms that invade the endocardium Pericarditisinflammation of the pericardium; caused by microorganisms, cancerous growth, etc. Stress Testmeasure the function of the heart under carefully controlled amounts of psychological tests. For example: exercise or drugs.
Diagnostic Terms TermDefinition Cardiac catheterization (Catheter + Endoscope) the passage of a long tube into the heart chambers through a vein in an arm or leg, or neck. CatheterCatheter: An instrument that allows the collection of blood samples from different parts of the heart, and determines pressure differences in various chambers. EndoscopeEndoscope: long tube and optical system that allows you to see the inside of a hollow organ or cavity.
Diagnostic Terms Electrocardiography Echocardiograph The electrical currents of the heart muscle are recorded by an electrocardiograph. An echocardiograph is a record of the heart using ultrasonic waves through the chest waves. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)Used in other parts of the body but helps examine blood flow in the heart and blood vessels.
Worksheet-Cardiovascular Diseases
Your Turn: Exercise 5
Blood Vessels Vasodilation -increase in the diameter of a blood vessel Vasoconstriction -decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel cholesterol and triglycerides -two lipids that harden arteries
Blood Vessels-Diseases & Diagnosis DiseaseSymptoms Angiomastumors made of blood vessels (hemangioma) or lymph vessels (lymphangioma). Usually benign tumors. Aortographyradiography of the aorta. The image is an aortogram. Arteriographyradiography of arteries. The image is an arteriogram. Angiocardiographyradiography of the heart and vessels Angiographyradiography of vessels.
Define in English TermDefinition 1.aneurysm 2.bradycardia 3.tachycardia 4.hypertension 5.hypotension 6.thrombosis 7. coronary thrombosis 8. varicose veins 9.hemorrhoids 10. atherosclerosis
Arteriogram of Blocked Artery
Aneurysm-Common Sites
Arteriogram of Aneurysm
Name the Stroke A B C
Exercises 6 & 7
Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Cardiopulmonary Bypass -used temporarily during heart surgery -a heart-lung pump collects the blood, replenishes it with oxygen, and returns it to the body
Artificial Cardiac Pacemaker An electrical device that can keep the heart rhythm within a desirable range is a cardiac pacemaker.
CVS Drugs DrugEffect antiarrhythmic drugsused to prevent, alleviate or correct an abnormal heart rhythm digoxina well-known drug that is prescribed to treat congestive heard failure and some arrhythmias beta blockersgiven after a MI to allow the heart to work less nitroglycerinto relieve the pain of angina pectoris
Exercise 8
Surgical Treatments of Vascular Problems: Balloon Angioplasty
Surgical Treatments of Vascular Problems: CABG
Blood Vessels Worksheet Nonsurgical Vascular Treatments vs. Surgical Vascular Treatments
Exercise 10
Lymphatic System Function: collects fluid that escapes from the blood capillaries and returns it to circulation Structure: Lymphatic System: Structure lymph vesselsthymus lymph nodesspleen lymphtonsils
Lymphatic System: Circulation
Lymphatic System: Structure (memorize)
Lymphatic System: Structure
1 2 3
Diseases & Disorders DiseaseDefinition lymphomacancer that starts in the lymphatic system lymphangitisacute or chronic inflammation of the lymphatic vessels lymphedemaincrease of lymph in tissue causing swelling. Elephantiasis can lead to lymphedema. lymphadenitisinflammation of the lymph nodes lymphadenopathyany disease of the lymph node lymphadenomatumor of a lymph node tonsillitisinflammation of the tonsils splenomegalyenlarged spleen
Elephantiasis can lead to Lymphedema
Diagnostic Terms Diagnostic TermDefinition Lymphangiographyradiography of the lymphatic vessels and nodes Lymphangiogramthe image of a lymphangiography -can check spread of tumors this way
Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions Lymph nodes are biopsied to determine spread of cancer. (use lymphadenectomy) InterventionWhat is done. lymphadenectomyexcise (cut) a lymph node can also use: radiotherapy chemotherapy & biological therapies, including interferon
Surgical & Therapeutic Interventions InterventionWhat is it for? splenectomyfor a ruptured spleen tonsillectomyto cut the tonsils that are infected or swollen adenoidectomyto remove adenoids that are large, infected, or causing obstruction
Exercise 11
Answers-A, B, & E
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