View from an ILS vendor NISO Metasearch Initiatives Meeting May 7, 2003 J. Walker
Background MetaLib, the Ex Libris Metasearch tool, was developed in 1999/2000 together with a consortium of academic libraries in Berlin. Not just a MetaSearch tool. Includes: Library portal – gateway to resources plus personalized services SFX linking service MetaLib (and SFX) managed by separate division within Ex Libris – the Information Services Division (Boston)
Metasearch Use Today MetaLib sold with the ILS and independently 60% customers do not use the Ex Libris ILS - ALEPH Wide deployment around the world since product first launched mid-2001 MetaLib used today mostly by academic institutions and research organizations with increasing interest from public libraries Many sales to consortia – including regional and national portal projects
Challenges OPAC vs MetaSearch tool Union Catalogue vs MetaSearch tool Integration with other (increasingly independent) components; increasing need for interoperability
Metasearch Use Tomorrow Must-have tool in libraries but.. Need for better search and retrieve – and other features ongoing discussion re positioning – THE library portal or just another (very useful!) discovery tool? Changing role of Library System vendor? Impact on service or business Increasing contribution to overall revenues Repackaging of products to meet new demands – new opportunities!