1 State-Adopted Textbook Requests Procedures and Policies
2 Who places textbook orders? The textbook coordinator should oversee and submit all textbook requests. Teachers, department chairs, and others can submit requests to the textbook coordinator and/or assist the coordinator with completing the requests. However, only the textbook coordinator, or his/her alternate, should submit the requests to Media Services.
3 State-Adopted Textbook Orders State adopted textbooks can be found via Florida School Book Depository. Use the FSBD website and following procedure to produce state-adopted textbook requests.
4 Visit Florida School Book Depository ( to search for books and create an order form.
5 For all state adopted textbook orders, you should create an order request form using the FSBD website. This simplifies the ordering process by automatically calculating your order.
6 To create a printable order request, you must log-in. The user name is ECSD Texts and the password is 1234.
7 Once you have logged in, you will be asked what kind of order you want to create. Select the first option: School District Order Attachment.
8 Enter the FSBD Code in this field. Then click, Add this Item. Note: You can use your FSBD catalog and notes as a reference.
9 Verify that this is the item you intended to request, and enter the Quantity Charge and/or Quantity Free. If you have additional items to order, go back to the Enter FSBD Code field and type in the next FSBD Code. At any time, you can click the Calculate Order button for an updated total. Remember to save your order frequently. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
10 Once the order is saved, a document number is assigned. Write this number down so that you can retrieve the order later.
11 To retrieve a saved order that has not been finished, click the Print, Modify or Clone an Order or Requisition link.
12 The Edit an Existing Order screen will appear. Type in the document number, then click Submit.
13 On this screen, you can edit your order. As always, remember to save. When your order is complete, you can click the red Finish button.
14 Complete the Ship To and Bill To fields as shown. In the Ship To, Attention field, type the name of your school. Note: Another school’s name may be in this field. If this is the case, be sure to replace it with your school name. Important: In the Special Shipping/Billing Instructions, type the Document Number. This number will then appear on the saved/or printed order form.
15 Also, on this page, you will be asked if you would like to add an estimated shipping charge. Select No. After completing all the information on this page, click the Finish Order button.
16 The final order form has been created. This form can be saved and printed for your records.
17 You can print a copy of this order request for your records. Go to the File menu, then select Print.
18 To save an electronic copy of your order, click Save As. In the File Name field, include your school name and the document number (YourSchool_DN79722). In the Save as type field, select Web Page, HTML only (*htm, *html). Then click Save. Note: To view this document later, you will need to open the document in Internet Explorer.
19 Now that your request is complete, you can simply the request to In the subject line, be sure to include your school name and document number for your FSBD order. Also, be sure to cc your principal. Request that are not sent from the textbook coordinator and/or are not CCed to the principal will be returned to the school without approval. All that is required is the document number. You do not have to include a saved copy of the order. We can access your order via the document number (in this case, 79722).
20 District Approval Media services will review the request and make any changes needed (due to transfers or errors). An approval will be sent to the school stating that district personnel (Sandi Lyle) will place the order. The document number will be referenced and an electronic copy of the order will be attached for the school’s records.
21 Barcoding Kit Based on the order, a barcoding kit will be created by media services. This barcoding kit will contain identifying information (titles, ISBN numbers) and barcodes for the items added to your inventory. Please use the contents of the kits to barcode your new materials. Then, check these items out to the appropriate teachers and/or students.