Respiratory System Respiratory System By: Stephany Chavez
A disease that affects it: Pleurisy- The condition is which the pleural wall lining the lungs get inflamed. It is an extremely painful condition that causes pain in the chest cavity even when inhaling and exhaling.
How you get pleurisy: There are several different ways you can get it. Bacterial infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis A chest wound that punctured the pleural cavity A pleural tumor Autoimmune disorders like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis Sickle cell anemia Pancreatitis Pulmonary embolism A heart surgery complication Lung cancer or lymphoma A fungal or parasitic infection Familial Mediterranean fever
What happens? Lungs get covered by narrow seams of fluid sandwiched by two sheets of mucous membranes. Only a single lung at a time is affected by pleurisy. The symptoms are fever, and dry cough that signal the pleurisy in a person. A dry type of pleurisy and a wet type exist as different kinds of the same condition. When there a lot of fluid around the lungs, wet pleurisy is the proper name for the condition and the dry form of pleurisy results when there is a little bit of fluid around the lungs.
Does the body try to fix itself? No, but some natural cures are: 3-4 glasses of water for first few days and gradually increase it to 6 or more glasses. Hot chest packs should be applied for an hour 2-3 times a day. Heat can be applied for half an hour twice daily to relieve pain associated with pleurisy.
What medications do you need to take? Cough medicine Ex:Theraflu Steroids Pain medicine Ex: Vicodin, Hydrocodone
Is it curable? Yes, with regularly takes of anti-biotics, pain medication and cough medicine it can be cured.