LTHTR Epilepsy Team Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future.” J.F Kennedy.
Successes to date Closer working between paediatric and adult epilepsy teams Excellent communication Development of new joint teenage/transition clinic Focus group Links with other teams within the project and Steven Edwards- patient experience lead Developing links with other paediatric teams out of area
Challenges To have designated adult consultant interest – currently adult services have consultant vacancies Ensure that we all keep engaged with goals – we have regular update meetings as a team to keep us focused and on target/goals Data – Poor data completion due to limited numbers of patients in the right age group coming through clinic.
What’s Gone Well Positive feedback from patients regarding the teenage clinic Successful focus group
Whats next? Evaluating focus group ideas – Clinic schedules, hospital passports, welcome booklet, ‘drop in’ sessions Continuation of nurse led teenage clinics Development of specific epilepsy care plan Early identification of patients to be transitioned Become more proactive in data collection – look at ways in which we can be more effective