Lord of the Metaphysical
Metaphysical Derived from the Greek meta ta physika ("after the things of nature"); referring to an idea of a reality outside of human sense perception.
Metaphysical Cont. In modern terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality
The Problem with Metaphysics The problem of validating metaphysical claims is most readily seen in all of the "proofs" for the existence of God or the existence of a "soul" or "spirit" or nonhuman realities is seemingly impossible.
Problems Continued The difficulty arises out of the attempt to scientifically study and objectify something which, by its very nature, cannot become an object of our scientific studies
What Do You Believe In? What from the metaphysical world do you believe in?
Simon As Conduit to Metaphysical World In the British Museum in London there is a chapter from a Babylonian textbook of medicine comprising 40 tablets dating as far back as 2000BC. The tablet accurately records many of the different seizure types we recognize today. It emphasizes the supernatural nature of epilepsy, with each seizure type associated with the name of a spirit or god - usually evil. Treatment was, therefore, largely a spiritual matter.
Epilepsy - "the sacred disease" The intervening 2,000 years were dominated by many supernatural views. Throughout this time people with epilepsy were viewed with fear, suspicion and misunderstanding and were subjected to enormous social stigma. People with epilepsy were treated as outcasts and punished.
Simon Chap. 3 "Then, amid the roar of bees in the afternoon sunlight, Simon found for the fruit they could not reach... passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands." -Ch. 3, pg. 56 “He came at last….The candle-buds opened their wide white flowers... Their scent spilled out into the air and took possession of the island." -Ch.3, pg
Simon Chap. 4 “What I mean is… maybe it’s only us.” Chp. 4, pg. 89
The Sign You Requested? “If only they could get a message to us” chp. 5, pg 94 “The figure fell and crumpled…” chp. 6, pg 95
Simon Chapter 7 "'You'll get back to where you came from.'" - William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 7 pg. 111
Simon Chapter 8 “Simon Stayed where he was…began to beat on the brain.” pg “You are a silly….and lost consciousness” pg
Simon “The beast was harmless….as soon as possible.” pg.147 “Toward midnight the rain…the open sea.” pg
Simon Imagery "The water rose farther and dressed Simon's coarse hair with brightness. The line of his cheek silvered and the turn of his shoulder became sculptured marble." - “The body lifted a fraction of an inch from the sand” "surrounded by a fringe of inquisitive bright creatures, itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations, Simon's dead body moved out toward the open sea."