BOD-777 OVERVIEW Organizational Development and c ommunications strategy does not work in a vacuum. It is a function of the organizational strategy. Decisions about NISOs goals and directions are critical for a strategic communications plan and its successful implementation. Activities to date based on vision agreed upon at our last meeting.
BOD-777 Vision It is our goal that NISO become a major, essential player in the standards needs recognition and standards development arena for not only libraries and publishers but increasingly for content and information technology industries, to facilitate research, scholarship, and business both traditional and e- commerce.
BOD-777 Elements CommunicationsCommunications FundraisingFundraising EditorialEditorial MembershipMembership Collaborative ProgramsCollaborative Programs
BOD-777 Communications Strategic Briefings Strategic Briefings with Pat Schroder- AAP(agreed upon), Ken Wasch- SIIA, Rick Luce Los Alamos National Library, others in pipeline. Executive Briefing Sessions Executive Briefing Sessions or other special events at key meetings: Frankfurt Book Fair(2001) London Online (2001) International STM meetings (2001 and 2002) AAP/PSP annual meeting ALA Annual Meeting (San Francisco 2001) NIST-NISO E-book Conference
BOD-777 Communications (2) Suggested events to build press relations Suggested events to build press relations PW /Library Journal editorial briefing - outcome: agreement in principal for newsletter, invitation to do article. Meeting with David Kirkpatrick NY Times Editorial Briefings, Wired online.
BOD-777 Fundraising Strategic intelligence gathering Strategic intelligence gathering conversations/ meetings with leaders in Academia, Associations, Corporations (Verizon, IBM) Meetings Meetings with Mellon Foundation, Gates Foundation Possibility of creating an endowment. (IBM) Crafting the message Crafting the message: Development of a proposal template providing the necessary background information about NISO and explaining the value of standards. Need for a retreat to articulate case for NISO.
BOD-777 Editorial Revise NISO documents, promotional materials, and key communication tools: Revise NISO documents, promotional materials, and key communication tools: Redesign the NISO website - Done Annual report - Done Folder, logo, stationery - In progress FAQs - In progress Create a visual map of the standards process (2002)
BOD-777 Editorial (2) Develop new NISO materials and documents Develop new NISO materials and documents Cutline: Standards: Putting Innovation To Work Map of standards landscape - In progress Statement of mission and vision - In progress Dictionary (Manual) of Standards --This publication would be a basic desktop reference for publishers, librarians and others about standards - Preliminary steps/funding opportunity
BOD-777 Membership A goal of 5 new members each year A goal of 5 new members each year Publishing: l McGraw Hill agreement l Houghton Mifflin early discussions Technology, Media Companies, E-Content Providers are prime important targets. Need help of Board to get to prime movers in key organizations: Board Committee needed Need help of Board to get to prime movers in key organizations: Board Committee needed
BOD-777 … and in conclusion Much work to be done. Board agreement on vision/strategy key for moving forward effectively.