Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Unit 1: Lesson 5 Greek Prefixes: epi-
epi- The Greek prefix epi- means “upon, to, in addition to.” Like other Greek prefixes (a-, an-, eu-, ev-, and dys-), epi- usually attaches to Greek bases and generate vocabulary that is scientific, technical, or medical in nature.
epi- This prefix consistently appears as epi- when it attaches to a base beginning with a consonant. epi + log (word) = epilogue (an “afterword” “added to” a story) epi + leps (seize) = epilepsy (bodily tremors “seize” “upon” a person) epi + phan (appear) = epiphany (an “appearance” made “to” someone or the sudden “appearance” that comes “to” us and brings understanding)
ep- If the base of the word begins with the letter h, we use ep- to make the word easier to pronounce. epi- + hemer (“day”) = ephemeral (“upon” a day or lasting but one day)
Do Now! Prefix epi- 1.Explain what happens when an epidemic occurs. How does epidemic mean “upon,” “to,” or “in addition to”? 2.Describe what is meant by the epicenter of an earthquake. How does epicenter mean “upon,” “to,” or “in addition to”? 3.Our epidermis is the outermost layer of skin. Explain how epidermis means “upon,” “to,” or “in addition to”.
Prefixes epi- What do each of these epi- words have to do with “upon,” “to,” or “in addition to”? 1.He was the epitome of strength as he lifted the car to free the woman trapped beneath it. 2.She wrote an epistle with advice for future generations. 3.Before he was executed, the 19 th century Irish hero Robert Emmet said, “Let no man write my epitaph.” 4.Many people believe that happiness is ephemeral and fleeting.
Prefixes epi- Match the following words to the correct definition: epitaph, epiphany, epigram, epithet 1.An ______ is a short statement “upon” a “tombstone.” 2.An ______ is a clever poem that is “written” “upon” one idea. 3.An ______ is a word often “added on” to describe another word: the wicked with or the wine-dark sea. 4.An ______ is a sudden insight that appears “to” us and deepens our understanding.
Greek Bases PPT Do Now’s dem- people cent- center derm- skin tom- cut stle- send taph- grave, tomb hemer- day phan- appear gram- write, draw thet- put, place