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NAEP 2011 Preparations
Presenter Iris L. Garner, Ph.D. NAEP State Coordinator North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Did you know… North Carolina has participated in NAEP state-level assessments since NAEP began the reporting of state- level results. Commitment
Did you know… North Carolina performed higher than the nation in grades four and eight on NAEP 2009 Mathematics Assessment. Leadership
Did you know… On the NAEP 2009 grade four Mathematics Assessment, North Carolina is ranked number five amongst all the states/jurisdictions in the United States. Intelligent
NC Participation in NAEP … Committed Leader Intelligent
Training Objectives: To provide an overview of NAEP and outline the importance of NAEP in North Carolina To identify the activities before, during, and after the NAEP assessment
NAEP Overview & Importance Training Objective #1
NAEP 2009 NC Performance Math Grade 4
NAEP 2009 NC Performance Math Grade 8
NAEP 2009 NC Performance Reading Grade 4
NAEP 2009 NC Performance Reading 8
NAEP Overview Known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas Authorized by Congress and administered by the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education
NAEP Overview Since 1969, assessments have been conducted periodically in reading, mathematics, science, writing, U.S. history, civics, geography, and the arts. Starting in 1990, NAEP assessments have also been conducted to give results for participating states. Participating states received assessment results that report on the performance of students in that state.
NAEP Overview State-level NAEP: reading, mathematics, science, and writing Results: national and state level/ No individual scores for individual students or schools--Results: available for subgroups of the population (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, free/reduced lunch eligibility, etc.) Reporting components: subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students
NAEP Overview "No Child Left Behind" legislation stipulates that states, districts, and schools within districts that receive Title I funds must participate in NAEP if selected. Reading and mathematics must be administered every two years in grades 4 and 8. Schools and students that are selected to participate are kept confidential.
NAEP Overview State Public (Grades 4 & 8) State Public (Grades 4 & 8) National Public & Private (Grades 4, 8 & 12) National Public & Private (Grades 4, 8 & 12) National Public & Private (9, 13 & 17 yr olds) National Public & Private (9, 13 & 17 yr olds) District -Trial Public (Grades 4 & 8) District -Trial Public (Grades 4 & 8) The National Assessment of Educational Progress MAIN LONG-TERM
NAEP Importance
State Board of Education Policy HSP-A-001 (16 NCAC 6D.0302): To ensure adequate representation and generalizability of the data used to develop tests and to conduct evaluation studies, selected LEAs and schools, determined through stratified random samples, shall participate in field testing and other sample testing such as NAEP and other national or international assessments as designated by the department or the State Board of Education.
NAEP Importance Race To The Top Application State Success Factors a)Increase student achievement in (at a minimum) reading /language arts and mathematics, as reported by NAEP and the assessment required under ESEA b)Decreasing achievement gaps between subgroups in reading /language arts and mathematics, as reported by the NAEP and the assessment required under ESEA
NAEP Activities Before, during, & after assessment Training Objective #2
NAEP 2011 Assessment Assessment Window: 1/24/11 – 3/4/11 Subjects to be Assessed: Reading, Mathematics, Writing and Science Some schools will participate in a National Indian Education Study (NIES), NAEP/TIMSS Linking study (grade 8).
NAEP 2011 Assessment Results: state and national level The assessment will take approximately 90 minutes of student time (two 25 min. subject matter blocks and survey questions). The computer-based writing assessment will take between minutes for students. One subject per student
NAEP Design: Sampling and Data Collection Multi-Stage Stratified Random Sampling selection of schools students within schools are selected randomly List of schools are obtained from the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD)
NAEP Activities Training Objective #2
NAEP Activities Before the Assessment Selected schools were notified NAEP Data Collection Forms were completed and submitted Westat Field Staff contacted School test coordinators to set up the Pre-Assessment Visit (PAV)
NAEP Activities Before the Assessment Pre-Assessment Visit (PAV) Scheduled between January 3 and January 23 Approximately two hours long Note: Prior to the PAV you will receive a packet of materials. Please refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SCHOOL COORDINATOR.
NAEP Activities Before Assessment - Before PAV Verify that all the information on the student list is accurate. Identify the 504 students and students with IEPs. Distribute questionnaires to staff most knowledgeable about the student. Refer to the Guide for Completing SD/ELL Questionnaires
NAEP Activities Questionnaire Guidance: Student with Disabilities & English Language Learners Questionnaires needed for each student identified as SD/504 or ELL. The questionnaires need to be filled out and returned to the coordinator prior to the PAV. If additional questionnaires are needed, request more from the NAEP field staff.
NAEP Activities Questionnaire Guidance: Student with Disabilities & English Language Learners Students who participate in the regular EOGs or EOCs with or without accommodation, they should participate in NAEP. Students who can access a paper/pencil assessment should participate.
NAEP Activities Questionnaire Guidance: Student with Disabilities & English Language Learners Exclusion rates will be recorded after the pre-assessment visit and reviewed. NAEP field staff will administer all accommodated sessions; these sessions may occur after the standard administration. If a special needs student feels more comfortable with a their teacher; the teacher can administer the assessment with the NAEP field staff in the room.
NAEP Activities Questionnaire Guidance: Student with Disabilities & English Language Learners Questionnaire Guidance Includes: A Guide For Completing The Student With Disabilities and English Language Learner Questionnaires Frequently Asked Questions Step-by-step Directions Accommodations Chart State-specific Policies
Questionnaire Guidance: Student with Disabilities & English Language Learners Accommodation Information All students that take the NAEP assessment are allowed to write in the test booklet. NAEP does have separate answer sheets. Writes in test booklet is not considered an accommodation for NAEP. NAEP Activities
Questionnaire Guidance: Student with Disabilities & English Language Learners Accommodation Information A Spanish version of the NAEP assessments in Mathematics and Science is available. North Carolina at this time does not have translated versions of the state tests. This accommodation is not allowed. Most North Carolina State Testing Program accommodations can be used with the NAEP assessments. If an accommodation is part of a students Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan and is used regularly in the classroom, and on the state assessments, it should be used on NAEP 2011.
NAEP Activities Before Assessment- Before the PAV Distribute Parent Letters Parent letters will need to be sent home to students selected to participate in the NAEP assessment prior to the PAV. Use school letterhead Include date the date letters where distributed to:
NAEP Activities Before Assessment Share the Sample Questions Booklet with the parents.
NAEP Activities Before Assessment - Before the PAV Student Information Review Collect any missing demographic information. Review student demographic data for accuracy. Determine if there have been any changes in students identified as SD and/or ELL. Identify which students, if any, have withdrawn or graduated, and who are neither enrolled nor attend the school in the grade to be assessed. Make all corrections directly on the report.
NAEP Activities Before Assessment Before the PAV Print out a current list of the students in the selected grade. Complete logistics questionnaire.
NAEP Activities Before Assessment During the PAV At the beginning of the PAV the NAEP field staff will meet with you to collect the information you completed prior to the PAV: Printed list of current students at the selected grade Corrected Student Information Report SD and ELL Questionnaires Copy of the parent letter Logistics Questionnaire
NAEP Activities After the PAV Notify the teachers of the assessment. Notify the students of the assessment. Place the NAEP Storage Envelope in a secure location.
NAEP Activities After the PAV NAEP has produced a short movie that you can share with your teachers and students to help them understand the importance of NAEP. You can access Introducing NAEP to Teachers at the NCDPI Web site: aep/5 aep/5 You can access Introducing NAEP to Students at the NCDPI Web site: aep/5 aep/5
NAEP Activities Assessment Day The NAEP assessment team will arrive at the school an hour and a half prior to the scheduled assessment time. The NAEP assessment team will need a staging area throughout the assessment day. The NAEP team will administer all assessments, including the accommodated sessions.
NAEP Activities Assessment Day NAEP does not need proctors for the assessments. Classroom teachers and/or other school personnel are welcome and encouraged to stay in the room during the NAEP assessment. School personnel will have to sign a confidentiality agreement if they observe the NAEP assessment.
NAEP Activities Assessment Day Your biggest role on assessment day is to make sure all students in the sample arrive at the designated assessment locations. You may need to work with your attendance staff to verify that missing students are absent that day. If 90% of the students in the sample are not there that day, then a make-up session will need to be scheduled. The 90% does not include students who have withdrawn, students whos parents have refused participation, or students who were excluded.
NAEP Activities After Assessment NAEP representative conducts a short interview with the school coordinator. A make up assessment day is scheduled if needed. The school coordinator will securely destroy the contents of the storage envelope on the date identified on the envelope. The school coordinator will mail the postcard stating that the contents have been securely destroyed.
Thank You We appreciate all you do; you make the NAEP in North Carolina possible.