Solar Power It’s coming of age Interesting factoid: Solar consumes less land per MW of electricity than either coal or hydro dams
CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) (These are thermal generating plants—just like coal, nuclear, natural gas)—create heat, boil water to get steam, steam turns turbine, voila! electricity) More output with higher ambient temperatures. There are two types: Parabolic Troughs and “Power Towers”
Parabolic Troughs Linear parabolic mirrors focus light on a tube – Very efficient (60%) utilize salt heated to 1000 degrees – Insulated storage for salt – Then hot salt boils water, steam turns turbine, turbine turns generator. Voila! 24 hour solar electricity also – Natural gas boiler integrated into loop as backup
Parabolic Trough
Another way to view a parabolic trough
Solar Trough “farms” in the USfarms
“Solar One” Parabolic Trough in Nevada“Solar 64 MW; 400 acres; (15,000 homes)
Nevada Solar One Schematic Diagram
AbengoaAbengoa Solar Trough Farms Gila Bend AZ; 280 MW CSP, the largest in the world (70,000 homes supplied—covers 1900 acres), and a second 280 MW plant under construction near Barstow, CA (54,000 homes).MW
Abengoa Solar, Gila Bend Built on abandoned farmland with exhausted water source
Greentech Media for the latest in...well, greentech and from National Renewable Energy Lab—Thermal Storage And the California ISO website shows demand and renewable output.Media Lab—ThermalCalifornia ISO
Solar One “Power Tower” in Barstow California 1981 the original Power Tower. Rebuilt as “Solar Two” but dead in Generated 10MW
PS-10 Power Tower in Spain Mirrors focus sunlight onto a small area at top of 300 foot tall tower. – Utilizes a liquid salt as a fluid to collect and transport heat to boil water, steam turns turbine, turbine turns generator, voila! electricity. – Power 65,000 homes Integral is Sevilla PV, an integrated photovoltaic array that will power 1800 homes
The PS 10, 11MW Heliostat Tower in Spain”
Ivanpah Power Towers—eastern California acres. Towers 500 feet tall. 170,000 heliostats (mirrors) 390 MW Equals 140,000 + homes
$50 million unsuccessful attempt to relocate endangered desert tortoises. There are desert ecosystems--no free lunches
And then there are “Streamers”Streamers “It appears Ivanpah may act as a ‘mega-trap,’ attracting insects which in turn attract insect-eating birds, which are incapacitated by solar-flux injury, thus attracting predators and creating an entire food chain vulnerable to injury and death,” concluded scientists with the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in a report that investigated 233 bird deaths representing 71 species at three Southern California solar power that investigated 233 bird deaths “Ivanpah employees called such immolations ’streamers,’” said The Atlantic. US Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement staff “observed an average of one streamer event every two minutes.”
Crescent Dunes CSP + Salt Storage First of its kind near Tonapah, NV 110 megawatt system 10 hours of salt storage
But... Let’s not forget Photovoltaic— (Sunlight directly into electricity) PV is more efficient at cooler temperaturesPhotovoltaic 12,000 MW end of 2013, 41% increase over % increase from 2013 to 2014 predicted at midyear. Big investors see big, safe opportunities—Warren Buffet in Agua Caliente California, $16 Billion “green” bonds so far 2014 Solar City stock rose 200% in 2013 – Solar City model. Install homeowner PV systems for free, then take tax credits and a portion of output to pay for systems.
Agua Caliente Solar PV Project-Mojave Desert California. 290MW—Completed 2014
New US Power Generation 2012, Wind crashed, natural gas increased, solar tripled
Gujarat India, 600MW currently India intends to be a world leader in PV
More Gujarat—these guys are serious!
PV, Who’s installing it?
Geothermal Energy These are thermal plants Most common utilizes very hot water or steam. “The Geysers” in California. About 30 square miles active site. About 1000 MW continual output.
Dry Steam and Flash Steam Requires very hot water/steam (The Geysers Model)
Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Got Hot Rocks? AltaRock Energy Inc. at Newberry Volcano near Bend. AltaRock Drill one hole into hot (600 degrees F) dry rock Fracture rock by injecting cold water Drill more holes about 1500 feet away Pump water down original hole and out secondary holes. Convert to steam and use flash (direct) or heat exchanger/binary systems to drive steam turbine and generate electricity. October/November 2014 “Stimulation” tests.Stimulation
Enhanced Geothermal System Utilizing Hot, Dry Bedrock
Binary System Utilizes a secondary closed loop of low boiling point substance to drive the turbine (Probable EGS model—low water consumption.
U.S. Geothermal Neal Hot Springs—Harney County Binary System Utilizes hot water to boil secondary fluid in a heat exchanger. 23 MW Energy (perhaps enough for 26,000 homes) $136 million cost
Neal Hot Springs Geothermal Plant
Ground/Water Source Heat Pump Home Heating and Cooling
Benefits 50% - 70% more efficient than fossil fuel systems 25% - 50% less operating cost
Drawbacks Costs “Several Times” more than other heating/cooling systems Not many installers or repair/adjustment companies yet
Lets Go Swimming “Hydropower” used to mean big dams on streams. Now it can be: “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion” or “Water Turbines” or “Tidal Barrages” or Buoys of one sort or another, and things anchored to the seafloor or “Loch Ness Monster” impersonators. OK, let’s go swimming!
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) As Near as I can tell there are no operating systems utilizing the temperature differences in the ocean. In theory and in demos it works, but the costs are so high that nobody has yet invested in a commercial scale site.
In theory it is simple; in practice it is wildly expensive
Water Turbines (like wind turbines but tiny in comparison) Water is 784 times more dense than air = 784 times more energy per unit area of moving water. Dependable—tide goes in and out on a regular basis. Rivers flow at a dependable rate Widespread possibilities. In reality, still in test mode—production costs still very speculative.
Tidal Turbine
Marine Current Turbine World’s First Commercial Scale Tidal Turbine (Strangford Lough, N. Ireland) 1.2 MW capability (1000 homes)
Alstom Tidal Turbine—Orkney Scotland Several actually working worldwide
Christian Science Monitor articicle “Tidal turbines: New sparks of hope for green energy from beneath the waves”Science
Ocean Renewable Power Company This thing sits on the bottom of a river or bay. It’s a demo and produces 150 kw of electricity as tide goes in and out.
Tidal Barrage System Advantage is that this one can function as a “battery” saving impounded water to generate electricity later
La Rance Tidal Barrage in France-Built MW plant 26% efficient = 62 MW output
Sihwa Tidal Barrage, Korea, KW installed—I couldn’t find actual production
Above the Surface Lots of Experimenting, no commercial examples yet—at least none that I know of, but here are some of the ideas.
Lots of Ideas
Ocean Power Technology; PB150 Powerbuoy Exists. Potential =150 KW; output 36%= 54 KW Distributing PB40 (40kw output) demos around the world for Testing.
Columbia Power “Stingray” OSU developed—makes no sense to me!Stingray
Pelamis Wave Energy Converter OR Loch Ness Monster! 750 KW per monster. No commercial “farms” yet
Penguin Wave Energy Still Experimental
Aquamarine Power: Oyster Wave PowerWave
Finally let’s save some energy with: “Enernet” / “Cleanweb” / “Soft Grid”Cleanweb Definition: Internet-enabled efficiency – A. Digital Lumens Company utilizes LED lights; motion sensors; ambient light sensors; data; internet technologies. Reduce energy consumption by 90% or more.
“Enernet” or “Cleanweb” or “Soft Grid” Definition: Internet-enabled efficiency – A. Digital Lumens Company utilizes LED lights; motion sensors; ambient light sensors; data; internet technologies. Reduce energy consumption by 90% or more. – B. Opower Company provides digital consumption alerts via smart phones, iPad apps, smart thermostats to make consumers aware of their energy use but also their neighbor’s use (anonymously). 85 unilities, 27 countries, 18 million homes.
“Enernet” or “Cleanweb” or “Soft Grid” Definition: Internet-enabled efficiency – A. Digital Lumens Company utilizes LED lights; motion sensors; ambient light sensors; data; internet technologies. Reduce energy consumption by 90% or more. – B. Opower Company provides digital consumption alerts via smart phones, iPad apps, smart thermostats to make consumers aware of their energy use but also their neighbor’s use (anonymously). 85 unilities, 27 countries, 18 million homes. – C. EnerNOC Company works with 14,000 customers in five states. When a utility nears capacity, contacts customers, who then reduce consumption for a fee. Can curtail 30-35%
“Enernet” or “Cleanweb” or “Soft Grid” Definition: Internet-enabled efficiency – C. EnerNOC Company works with 14,000 customers in five states. When a utility nears capacity, contacts customers, who then reduce consumption for a fee. Can curtail 30-35% – D. Nest Labs Company sells thermostats that “learn” a house energy needs, and begins to set itself. “At its core it is a smart phone on your wall.” It is internet connected, so can be controlled remotely. It also allows devices in home to communicate with each other via internet—like CO2 detector “talking” with furnace.
Google!!!!! And Google is buying ‘em all. It is a great data collection resource, then that data can be used for.....
The “Smart” Grid Surfaced five years ago then faded away “Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demo. Proj.” – Means to “adjust load” = “reduce demand” Bondurant Wyoming—Utility can control private water heaters temporarily Portland General Electric 5MW battery bank can carry 500 homes for 20 minutes Flathead Electric Company (MT) Differential Pricing. Appliances programmed to turn on when price is low/not turn on when price is high (4X higher max).