Career & College: Ready, Set, Go! NCs Race to the Top (RttT) Initiative State Board of Education April 7, 2011
2 Webinar Overview 1.Reiterate General RttT Requirements & Process for LEAs/Charters (Local) 2.Clarify State Plan & Implications for Local Plans Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) NC Education Cloud 3.Address Questions Key Take Away = Know how to move forward with your local RttT plan!
3 General RttT Requirements 1.For submission to DPI…Local DSWs must include plans (i.e., a completed row on the spreadsheet) for implementing all RttT Required Activities 2.Local RttT detailed budgets (in BUD) must match Local DSWs (talk to your Finance Officer!) 3.Complete local DSWs must be submitted to DPI by August 3, 2011 (same process as last fall…but much more time to develop plans)
4 General RttT Requirements RttT Guidance Documents outline State Objectives pre- Nov State Detailed Scope of Work (DSW) outline State Objectives (A2, B3, D5, E2, P2)) post- Nov (Nov. 8, 2010) (Aug. 3, 2011) Local RttT DSWs outline plan for RttT Dollars Local RttT DSWs outline plan for all RttT activities Submission of Local DSW to DPI…
5 RttT Guidance Documents
6 State DSW
DSW Submission Timeline DPI Finance Informational Webinars (2) Requirements for submission of budget and detailed plans DPI Informational Webinars focused on RttT State Initiatives LEAs & Charters combined Review Requirements for Local RttT Plans Provide LEAs/Charters with greater detail regarding State Plan (by Initiative) Regional Support & Planning Meetings LEAs & Charters combined Review Webinar Info Review Approval process Support Updated local DSWs Support Implementation All Local Plans submitted to DPI All Plans reviewed by DPI DPI staff follow up with LEAs/Charters to resolve any outstanding issues All Plans Final (posted to RttT Website) Sept. 1Feb 10, 2011March & April June 1-27 August August Based on feedback…Similar process, but extended planning window
8 Purpose of STEM Attract students to choose careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
NCs Seven Economic Regions 9
10 RttT STEM Goals Offer rigorous course of study in STEM to face Grand Challenges for Engineering Cooperate with community partners to: –Prepare & assist teachers in integration of STEM –Promote effective & relevant instruction for students –Offer applied learning opportunities and careers in STEM Prepare more students for advanced study and careers in STEM –Include underrepresented groups of women and girls –Include more students from turnaround schools
11 Grand Challenges for Engineering By the Committee of the National Academy of Engineering: Make solar energy economical Provide energy from fusion Develop carbon sequestration methods Manage the nitrogen cycle Provide access to clean water Restore and improve urban infrastructure Advance health informatics Engineer better medicines Reverse-engineer the brain Prevent nuclear terror Secure cyberspace Enhance virtual reality Advance personalized learning Engineer the tools of scientific discovery
12 New Schools Project Aerospace Craven County Biotechnology Agriscience Washington County City of Medicine Durham County Pre-engineering Wake County Network Schools Anchor School Anchor School Anchor School Anchor School New Schools Project Illustrative example of 16 networked schools linked with 4 anchor schools
13 New Schools Project Teachers –Professional Development –School visits - (In and out of State) –Coaching –Internships –Summer employment for curriculum development –Extended employment for four teachers Principals –Professional Development –School visits - (In and out of State) –Leadership facilitator to assist Equipment –$20,000 per school (approximately four classrooms)
14 RttT Resources for STEM NC $400 M State $200 M Great Teachers & Leaders Operations $6.3 M NSP $10 M LEAs $165M 20 Schools $3.7 M Virtual Public Schools STEM Virtual Courses Mathematics M Engineering E Technology T Science S STEM Initiatives ~$45 M CTE Academies New Schools Project PLTW Cloud $35M
15 STEM Partners Students Teachers School Administration Communities/ Parents School Communities Science Technology/Instructional Engineering - CTE Mathematics Turnaround Schools Virtual Public Schools Support Curriculum –Art –World languages –English –Social Studies Business/Industry External National Partners Innovators Legislature New Schools Project NC STEM Collaborative Postsecondary Education Others: museums, etc. Internal (DPI) Partners External Partners
16 STEM Contact Information Rebecca Payne Director, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Leadership NCDPI
17 NC Education Cloud Update Monday, April 11, 2011
18 NC Education Cloud end game… LEAs pay substantially less as part of a buyers consortium A shift in emphasis from technology support to instructional support Increased IT efficiency – fewer more highly utilized servers and other resources Increased service reliability – servers hosted in professional data centers with backup, disaster recovery, and service level guarantees
19 SHARED SERVICES Attributes: Aggregate demand and procure/statewide license Buy services versus build infrastructure Pay for use infrastructure model(s); sustainable/shared Results in: Equity of access to resources Scale based on aggregate demand Consistent high performance, reliability Infrastructure & platforms to support 21 st century education Reduced, sustainable operating costs
20 Some Really Important Things NC Ed Cloud is all about migrating to services Migrating to services: Is not free Is not always easy Is not always hard Requires a well-thought-out contract Must include a service level agreement with teeth LEAs are not all the same so the benefits of cloud accrue differently Business intelligence and analytics tools will be important to the sustainability of broad cloud deployments
21 Cloud Build/Migrate Operate Total Cost of Ownership Capital Investment One-time migrate E-Rate Eligible Services Collaborative Procurement Cost Avoidance Cost Reduction Flexible Funding Models
22 The NC Education Cloud
23 Shared Infrastructure Where X is Infrastructure or Software or Desktop or …
24 A Platform for All RttT Initiatives Instructional Improvement System State Data Use Standards & Assessment Online Professional Development NC Virtual Public School Transformation Support System Learning Management System Identity Management Collaborative Tools Learning Objects Repository
25 Cloud Plan Development Process LEA Webinars LEA Region Meetings LEA Site Interviews NC Education Cloud Proposed Plan Industry Best Practices LEA Working Groups Gather Information Define Problem Plan Development
26 How Are LEAs Involved in the Process? Round 1 of LEA Site Interviews; 54 completed May 13. Advisory and Working Groups 52 community participants in our Cloud Advisory process Shared Services Advisory Group, 16 members Identity and Access Management, Data Collection & TCO Analysis, and Consortium Buying Working Groups: each with about 12 members When all projects are underway, nearly 100 LEA participants will be engaged in the process. In all groups, each region is represented, and assigned based on interest and subject matter expertise.
27 Cloud Projects Identity & Access Management Data Collection & TCO Analysis Consortium Buying Instructional Resources & Digital Content Management Systems Enterprise Infrastructure & Applications iSeries RFP
28 Site Interviews Objectives Communications/community education Data collection to support NC Education Cloud plan development Community buy-in
29 Site Interviews DPI Regional Instructional Consultants schedule site interviews Distribute link to survey to LEAs LEAs review the survey prior to the site interview Conduct site interviews – complete data collection Interview team typically - Dave Furiness, DPI Instructional Consultant, Contractor - Systems Consultant, NC Ed Cloud Leadership Team LEA participants – CTO/Technology Director, designated staff, Instructional leadership
30 Site Interview Status 36 of 48 Phase 1 site interviews completed – remaining 12 (Regions 7 & 8) to be competed by April 21st Phase 2 site interviews (six largest LEAs) scheduled to be completed May 13 th Phase 3 site interviews (remaining LEAs and charter schools) will begin May 16 th Although phase 3 site interviews will collect identical information to phase 1 and 2, on-site discussions will focus on service and process validation
31 Site Interview Insights – Service Considerations LEA and charter school challenges and initiatives Understanding the LEA and charter school IT and instructional technology environment Full plate syndrome Managing hidden costs (e.g. service migration costs) Economic/financial data and considerations Where and how is money spent Service requirements Functional Service management
32 A Few Early Examples iSeries RFP and Plan Changes in State E-Rate filing process Firewall Content Filtering
33 Whats next? Updates and conversation at Regional Technology Directors Meetings in late April and May Complete Phase 1 site interviews and assemble feedback and findings to inform the projects and the Implementation Plan Assemble community needs into Cloud Project recommendations and vet with Advisory Process and industry leaders Align all levels of planning with other pillars, especially IIS and NCVPS
34 Some conversation… We want to hear from you: What are we not doing? What are your concerns? What are your pain points?
35 RttT & E-Rate 1.Previous Funding Request Must have used an appropriate competitive process and simply need to keep that documentation on file to present if audited by USED regarding use of RttT dollars. In other words, all E-rate and state and local procurement rules apply. While supplanting with RttT funds is not specifically prohibited, to be justified, the expenditures must enable new or expanded capacity that the LEA otherwise would not have had in the absence of the RttT dollars. 2.Future Funding Request In addition to the non-supplant requirement, dont forget the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS) state requirement for goods or services over $5,000.
36 Sole Sourcing Can a local education agency (LEA) or charter school sole-source for a technology product or with a technology vendor? LEAs should strive to use competitive bidding procedures, but certain technology purchases can be sole sourced LEAs/charters MUST follow the guidelines posted at
37 Neill Kimrey Director, Instructional Technology NCDPI NC Education Cloud Site:
38 Questions? Do you know what other RttT-related support DPI will offer between now and August? Are you clear what the State will be doing in related to: STEM NC Education Cloud Do you understand what you need to do to submit a complete local DSW by August 2011 that DPI can approve? Do you know what you need to in order to move forward with your plan?
39 Webinar Summary 1.Reiterated General RttT Requirements & Process for LEAs/Charters (Local) 2.Clarified State Plan & Implications for Local Plans Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) NC Education Cloud 3.Addressed Questions Key Take Away = Know how to move forward with your local RttT plan!