Psychologists Week 4
Wilhem Wundt Structuralism Remember him, you should.
William James New York Wrote Principle of Psychology (published in 1890) Functionalist Promoted the idea that the mind and consciousness itself would not exist if it didn’t serve a practical and adaptive purpose.
Sir Francis Galton
England Supposedly related to Charles Darwin (evolution guy) Traveled around the world and created maps, received an award Royal Geographical Society After 1859, studied identical twins and worked on first intelligence test Created phrase “nature and nurture” Studied inheritable traits and eugenics (a science that deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities)
Max Wertheimer Prague Gestalt method Was studying “feebleminded” children and music Found that a melody cannot be understood merely in terms of its individual notes; but he went beyond this formulation. He demonstrated, among other things, that the recognition of an altered melody does not depend on the number of notes changed but on the notes’ positions in the melody’s structure.
Kurt Koffka Berlin Did experiments on perception Wanted to stress an holistic approach psychological phenomena cannot be interpreted as combinations of elements: parts derive their meaning from the whole, and people perceive complex entities rather than their elements. Gestalt method Wrote a book on “Growth of the Mind: An introduction to Child Psychology”
Mary Whiton Calkins Connecticut First women to become a Psychologist
Mary Whiton Calkins Took classes at Harvard, but wasn’t allowed to actually attend Did research on dreams Invented the paired association technique Created self-psychology Explains that the self is an active agent acting consciously and purposefully
Freud Wait, its funny, she thinks she is a dog!!!!!!
Sigmund Freud Austrian neurologist Known as the father of psychoanalysis m/people/sigmund- freud ?page=1 m/people/sigmund- freud ?page=1
Sigmund Freud In 1900, published The Interpretation of Dreams Based on his analysis of “neurotic and hysterical” patients Theorized that forgetfulness or slips of the tongue were not accidental, but it was the “dynamic unconscious” Looked at personality as being part of the Id, Ego, and Superego Developed the “talking cure” Psychoanalytic Psychologist
Ivan Pavlov Russia Between 1891 and 1900, did a lot of research on the physiology of digestion Studied dogs and their digestive system, rang a bell and gave meat, eventually the dogs drooled by just hearing the bell This led to the conditioned reflexes
B.F. Skinner PennsylvaniaBehaviorist Operant conditioning Found that behaviors are dependent on what happens after the response
Abraham Maslow Brooklyn New York Humanist (Was classified by psychologists as mentally unstable when he was a kid)
Albert Bandura Born in Canada in 1925 A survey in 2002 said he ranking in the top 5 most cited psychologists. Some would say he is a behaviorist, he would say that he was a “social cognitivist” Looked at modeling and imitation Talks a lot of about self- efficacy
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Jean Piaget FranceCognitivist Observational studies on children Children are born with basic mental structure
Carl Rogers Oak Park, IL Humanist Creator of client-centered counseling and student-centered education Took Maslow’s ideas further Open-ness and self discloser, acceptance, seen with positive regard, and empathy "As no one else can know how we perceive, we are the best experts on ourselves."
Roger Sperry ConnecticutPsychobiologist 1960’s did extensive experiments on a patient with epilepsy They cut his corpus collosum Found that people are of two minds: the right brain and the left brain
Leonard Doob New York Sociopyschologist Self described as a liberal social psychologist. Focused on propaganda during WWII and public opinion Spent time on conflict resolution in Africa
Time Reports Reading Jean Piaget Sigmund Freud