California Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GoED) Brook Taylor Deputy Director for Communications and Policy
Leveraging State and Local Partnerships
About GoED One-stop-shop for businesses looking to start, expand, or relocate to California. Staff of FREE Business Service Specialists that help thousands of companies each year and can provide customized assistance for any of your needs.
GoED Highlights In 2011, GoED directly assisted over 2,200 business owners (along w/ SBDC partners) 95 percent small business owners Response within 2 days Questions include: “How do I register a new business?” How do I go about relocating my company to California from out of state?”
C alifornia B usiness I nvestment S ervices A unit of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency
GoED Collaboration Partnership between GoED, SBDC and CalED GoED Retention Strike Teams Regional Permitting Efforts – San Francisco, East Bay, Sacramento and Los Angeles.
Permitting Streamlining Effort – East Bay and Sacramento East Bay – Partnership between 8 mayors, UC Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, CSU East Bay and Peralta CCC -Focus on regional standardized solar energy permitting process Sacramento – Six County standardized permitting process for solar projects -Master Permit for solar installations
Permitting Streamlining Effort – Los Angeles Los Angeles Restaurant and Hospitality Express Permitting Initiative: LA Co. Health Department, Department of Building & Safety, Public Works, Sanitation, City Planning, Fire and Bureau of Engineering (BOE) State Collaborative Partnership: Upgrade permits for 100 franchise locations.
Permitting Streamlining Effort – San Francisco Collaboration between City, County and State to map the permitting process for new restaurants Automated Permit Streamlining Effort Regional permit streamlining efforts should include: -A grassroots approach with a singular focus -Public and Private participation -Incorporation of flexible new technology
Newest Collaboration – Debunking the Myths Myth – California ranks at the bottom in job creation and growth. Reality – California’s job growth well outpaces the national average. In the last year, California has added more jobs that 48 other states. June 2010 to June 2011 California added 156,800 jobs.
Newest Collaboration – Debunking the Myths In June 2011, the U.S. added just 18,000 jobs. California added over 28,000 in June, second only to one other state. CA actually added over 40,000 jobs in manufacturing; information tech; financial activities; professional and business services; education, health services; leisure, and hospitality.
Newest Collaboration – Debunking the Myths Why this matters to you? Positive efforts at the regional level are being overshadowed by negative perception. Exploring Public –Private partnership to market the benefits of doing business in California.
Debunking the Myth – A Call to Action Challenge all Californian’s to rise above negativity. Counter with positive examples in your region: -Expansion, collaboration, new opportunities. -Contact the state and provide examples of what you are doing in your area to promote growth. -The Sum of the Parts is much stronger than the perception.
(916) California Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GoED)