Sea lions are pinniped which means that it has webbed feet. They are marine mammals. Sea lion males are called bulls and females are called cows and their offspring's are pups. Sea lions are the most common mammal in the Galapagos
A sea lion can dive up to 600 feet in the water and stay there for about 40 minutes before it has to rise up and breath for air. They can do this because they close their nose automatically before entering the water.
There are 7 known species of the sea lion, but unfortunately one of them had already went extinct. The Japanese sea lion. 7 Species include: California Sea Lion Steller Sea Lion Australian Sea Lion Galapagos Sea Lion New Zealand Sea Lion South American Sea Lion Japanese Sea Lion
Sea lions are going extinct because of humans and mainly because of health issues. Sea lions used to be hunted a lot by humans, but there are international laws in place to help protect the from becoming extinct, although it is hardly enforced in Japan. Adult sea lions suffer from cancer, epilepsy and pneumonia. Once a sea lion has these sicknesses there is very little chance of them surviving even with human intervention.
Humans can help sea lions by having the international law that is placed to protect sea lions be enforced. We could also make it a more known issue so that the majority of people today can know what is happening to sea lions and also be apart of the conservation.
Humans should help sea lions because it is the right thing to do as one of the most intelligent species on earth. They should also be helped so that later generations of humans can sea the sea lion with their own eyes and not just see pictures of them or hear stories. Another reason as to why humans should help is so that the eco-system is not ruined. Especially with all the other species which are endangered or already gone extinct we should try our absolute best to help