North Carolina Migrant Education Service Delivery Plan
2 Webinar Objectives Learn about Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) findings and how they will inform your work. Be introduced to statewide service delivery strategies in the NCLB goal areas of: 1.School Readiness 2.Improving Reading and Math Proficiency 3.High School Graduation
3 Webinar Objectives Understand specific ways in which you will be asked to document –implementation –positive effects of chosen service delivery strategies.
5 Warm-up Survey Questions #1. How many years have you been working for the NC Migrant Education program? A)0-4 B)5-9 C)10-14 D)15+
6 Warm-up Survey Questions What is your favorite leisure activity? A)Being a couch potato & watching TV B)Dancing C)Exercising D)Going to a movie or out to dinner E)Gardening or other hobby
7 Warm-up Survey Questions How much knowledge do you have of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) process and its findings? A)None B)Limited C)Good D)Excellent
8 Components of the SDP Performance TargetsWhat should be…. Needs AssessmentWhere we are… Measurable Program Outcomes Service Delivery Strategies Evaluation
9 North Carolina Performance Targets
10 North Carolina Performance Targets High School Achievement Gap
11 Major Findings from the CNA Pre-K: Migrant children do not receive comparable pre-school education and home support to that of their counterparts. Photo: Lenoir Count MEP
12 Data that Validated this Concern From Education Week, North Carolina has 43% of preschool children involved in some type of preschool program. The CNA survey results reflect that 23% of migrant and 31 % of non-migrant children participate in a preschool program. The CNA surveys indicated that 58% of migrant parents and 46% of non-migrant parents read less than 3 times a week or never to their children.
13 More CNA Findings… Elementary: Significant gaps between ELL/Migrant and Non-ELL/Non- migrant.
14 Data that Validated this Concern EOG Percent Proficient –EOG Reading --Gap between Migrant and Non-Migrant in was -10% to -14%. In the gap was even greater, 22 – 23% fewer Migrant students met the standard. –The Gap for 3 rd Grade Math in was -5% and -13% in –In some cases, the NC % proficient of Migrant students was greater than the % proficient of LEP students. However, LEP Migrant students were less likely to meet the test standard than Migrant students who were not LEP in all areas. Parent Survey - In most cases, Migrant parents were less likely than Non-Migrant parents to –Set aside a place for homework –Check their childrens homework –Help their children with homework
15 Secondary School Students… Secondary: Significant gaps between Migrant and Non-migrant students in grades 6-8 Reading and Math, and all EOC subjects.
16 Data that Validated this Concern Survey Results and EOG/EOC Scores –58.9% of Migrant and 71% of the Non-Migrant students reported being prepared for the EOG Reading tests. 75% of Migrant and 76% of Non-Migrant reported being prepared for the EOG Math tests. –However, 51%- 60% of Migrant students actually passed the EOG Reading and 35% - 43% of the Migrant students actually passed the EOG Math. The percentage of Migrant students passing EOCs was much lower. –In some LEAs, the %Proficient of middle grades Migrant students was much lower than the % of respondents that reported being prepared for the tests.
17 Out-of-School Youth Out-of-School Youth (OSY) are underserved and indicate need for access to ESL, health, and transportation resources. Photo: Lenoir County MEP
18 Data that Validated this Concern Out-of-School Youth Survey –English as a Second Language classes identified as the most critical need
19 Seven Areas of Concern Educational Continuity Instructional Time School Engagement English Language Development Educational Support in the Home Health Access to Services
20 Focus of Areas of Concern AreaPre-KK-56-12OSY Instructional Time AccessResearch- based interventions Access English Language Development Research- based interventions Course placement; interventions Short-term ESL Educational Support in the Home Resources available School-home com- munication School/home communication Tech. access Hours of work; living conditions Access to Services Parent and community awareness Transportation Few classes Health Access to health care Dental and vision Dental and vision/child care Access to health support
21 The Service Delivery Plan Statute: a description of the State's priorities for the use of funds received under this part, and how such priorities relate to the State's assessment of needs for services in the State;
22 The Service Delivery Plan Section of the July 2008 Regulations: specific performance targets and measurable objectives. Draft Non-Regulatory Guidance: A comprehensive State plan for service delivery describes the services the SEA will provide on a statewide basis to address the special educational needs of migrant students.
23 Service Delivery Strategies How to read the charts (pp of SDP) –NCLB GoalsGeneral areas –NCMEP GoalGeneral goal –ObjectiveMeasurable outcome –Strategies Do-able across the state –Data Collection and ReportingMIS2000 data and other information available –Resources neededCollected and disseminated by DPI
24 Goal Areas for NCLB School Readiness Proficiency in reading and math High School graduation
25 Discussion of Pre-K Service Delivery Chart: An example
27 Survey Question – School Readiness In your experience, what is a major reason for lack of Pre-K participation of migrant children? A)No slots/programs available B)Cultural differences C)Limited English proficiency D)Lack of transportation
28 Identified Need Migrant children have low participation in pre-school programs, primarily due to mobility, transportation, and awareness of program options…..
29 Measurable Program Outcome Objective: Increase percentage of migrant preschool children (ages 4 and 5) who participate in preschool programs by 5% each year, in order to meet NC average (43%) by 2013.
30 Strategies Compile a list of local preschool programs that might enroll migrant students…. Develop local community network to create better connections with early childhood programs and perhaps develop formal agreements…. Inform migrant parents of opportunities available… Web resources: uedNov2008-Colorversion.pdf
32 Survey Question - Data Reporting Which of these statements best describes your feelings about data reporting? A)Data is my friend B)Less is more C)I want to be able to show that my services are having a positive impact D)I need more help!
33 Data Collection and Reporting MIS2000 Information Other –Definition of program –Records of formal agreements and collaboration –Records of training sessions and other information prepared for parents
34 Resources Needed Data training School Readiness Expert Group information dissemination (helpful websites for educators and parents of Pre-K children, research articles on best practices) Information from and utilization of Parent Information Resource Centers (PIRCs)
35 Evaluation of Service Delivery Objective from Plan Type of Data Collected Data Analysis Responsible Parties
36 Questions?????