A Calorie is an energy unit which measures how much energy any sort of food gives to the body. We need calories (Energy) to grow and have good health.
The following Chart shows the Calories in some of the food items at McDonald’s
To calculate how many calories we burn while we are running, we need to know our weight (in Kilograms), and distance we will run (in Kilometers).
Calories = Kilometers x Kilograms x Some of my Favorite Donuts from Dunkin Donuts &the Calories they have are:
I weigh 33.5 Kilograms. I will calculate how much I need to run in kilometers by using the formula from the previous slide to burn the calories of the Donuts I ate
Calories = Kilometers x Kilograms x 1.036
Calories = Time (in Hours) x Kilograms x Number
- Formula to calculate how many calories you are burning when you dance is: Calories = Time (in Hours) x Kilograms x Formula to calculate how many calories you are burning when you swim or do gymnastics is: Calories = Time (in Hours) x Kilograms x Formula to calculate how many calories you are burning when you play tennis is: Calories = Time (in Hours) x Kilograms x Formula to calculate how many calories you are burning when you play football is: Calories = Time (in Hours) x Kilograms x 9.58
Knowing how to do arithmetic can help you calculate how much calories you have eaten in a day. Also, you will be able to know how much time or how many kilometers you have to exercise or run to burn off the calories you ate to stay in good shape.
In this unit I developed the following learner profile: Balanced: because I am able to understand how much calorie I eat every day, and how much calories I have to burn. Open minded: because I realize that when I eat a lot, I have to exercise to burn calories.
Inquirer: because I asked a lot of questions related to this topic. Reflective: because I was able to reflect on this subject, and to write the information Communicator: I think I was able to communicate the information properly, and in an understanding way.
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