Lorentz Centre, 19 Sep Particle transport and flow modification in planar temporally evolving mixing layers Djamel Lakehal, Chidambaram Narayanan (G. Yadigaroglu, ETH Zurich) Adjunct Lecturer at ETH & Manager of ASCOMP GmbH (
Outline Motivations: environmental concerns Mixing layer basic flow features Transport under 1-way coupling Transport under 2-way coupling Summary
Transport & dispersion of sand Volcanic ash dispersion CO2 H20H20 Environmental flows with particles and droplets
Simulation: Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation FLUIDFLUID PARTICLEPARTICLE
Details Re=400, 64 X 129 Fourier Chebyshev collocation; L x =4 /K m Tangent-hyperbolic U velocity field Amplitude of Fund. & Sub. modes E f = ; E s = Re p < 1; N p = particles; St= ; M = nd order Runge-Kutta for Particle Equation 4 th order Lagrangian ploynomial velocity interpolation
DNS of Particle dispersion in a mixing layer; St = 1.0
2D particle-laden mixing layer under 1- and 2-way Coupling: What is new ? The analysis is Eulerian-Eulerian based The controlling mechanisms The mean vertical particle-phase velocity induced by KH The correlation between particle-phase and fluid-phase modal (KH induced) stress The effect of particle-phase modal velocity on the growth of the particle-phase mixing layer
Basic Flow Features: flow evolution Kinetic energy balances Particle Transport under One-way centrifuging effect statistics momentum balance I- Outline: Particle Transport under 1-way Coupling
Saturation of fund. mode at t=48 initiation of pairing at t=72 end of pairing at t=96 single vortex at t=120
u= +u’
t=72 t=96
t=72 t=96
St=0.3St=0.6St=1 t=72
St=0.3St=0.6St=1 t=96
t=48 t=96
t=48 t=96 t=72
Only the sub-harmonic is “really” nutating: effective St have diminished; L has increased
t=96, St=0.6t=96, St=1 momentum depletion region accumulation region
II- Outline: Particle Transport under 2-way Coupling Computational parameters Particle accumulation patterns Fundamental mode saturation & pairing Particle Statistics Generation of small scales Evolution of average modal stress Mean kinetic energy balance
St=1 St=0.3 St=0.6 M=0.2 t=72 St=0.3 M=0
M=0.5M=0.2 St=1 t=96
St=2 M=0.2 No new instability forms for low M and uniformly distributed particles: rather drag effect t=72 t=96
St=1, time=72 M=0 M=0.2M=0.5 M=0.1
M=0 M=0.5M=0.2 M=0.1 St=1, time=96
t=48 t=96 Centrifuging effect of KH is lower in 2-way coupling
t=48 t=96
St=0.3 St=1
Summary Particle transport in turbulent mixing layers was analyzed using DNS + Lagrangian particle tracking. Particles modify the flow evolution dramatically even at mass loadings of 0.5; generation of small scales. Intricate undulating patterns are formed. Effect of preferential concentration on particle statistics was emphasized.
Related publications
Narayanan C., Lakehal, D.: DNS of particle-laden mixing-layers. Part I: One-way coupled flow and dispersed-phase features. Phys. Fluids, 18(9), pp. 15, Narayanan C., Lakehal, D.: DNS of particle-laden mixing-layers. Part II: Two-way coupled induced generation of small-scale vorticity, Phys. Fluids, 18(9), Botto L., Narayanan C., Fulgosi M., Lakehal D.: Effect of near-wall turbulence enhancement on the mechanism of particle deposition, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 31(8), Lakehal D., Narayanan C.: Numerical Analysis of the continuum formulation for the Initial Evolution of Mixing Layers with Particles, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 29(6), Narayanan C., Lakehal D., Botto L., Soldati A.: Mechanisms of particle deposition in a fully-developed turbulent open channel flow, Phys. of Fluids, 15(3), pp. 763, (2003). Narayanan C., Lakehal D.: Temporal instabilities of a mixing-layer with uniform and non- uniform particle loadings, Physics of Fluids, 14(11), pp. 3775, (2002). Narayanan C., Lakehal D.: Linear Stabilities Analysis of Particle-Laden Mixing Layers using Lagrangian Particle Tracking, Powder Technology, 125, pp. 122, (2002).