MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL SUMMER 2 YEAR 6 MATHS This half term the focus will be on using applying what they have learnt over the year. The children will be involved in problem solving activities. We will also be having some fun with tessellating shapes. We will also be introducing children to some of the maths concepts that they will be exploring in KS3 YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Making sure they continue to practise times tables and know their number facts. Encourage children to carry out tasks on DRAMA As well as performing parts of ‘Macbeth’ the children will be working on the leavers’ production – ‘Goodbye, my Friend’. They will be learning how to use actions and vocal expression to entertain and engage the audience. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Helping your child rehearse their part in the performance, whether it be learning lines or practising actions. Come and see year 6 perform on Wednesday 2 nd July at 2pm! ENGLISH This half term the focus for English is Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. The children will be interpreting some Shakespearian language as well as writing letters and diaries in character. They will have the opportunity to perform parts of the play and read a range of modern interpretations. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Introducing them to a range of Shakespeare plays – there are many modern versions, including comics, which the children will be able to understand and enjoy. MUSIC We will be rehearsing a number of songs for our leavers’ production. The children will be learning how to control their breathing while singing as well as thinking about staying in tune and in time with the rest of the group. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Listening to them rehearse the songs at home. HISTORY We will be looking at the life of Shakespeare in great detail and the children will be carrying out their own research in order to write a biography. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Helping you child research key facts about William Shakespeare, for example information about his plays and sonnets, his family life and the Globe Theatre. ART AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Children will be creating a self-portrait in the style of modern artist, Julian Opie. They will be using bright, contrasting colours and considering how they control their brush strokes to create a bold block of colour. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Looking at the painting styles of a range of artists who have painted self-portraits and discussing how they have used colour and brush strokes. P.S.H.C.E. The children will be discussing changes, in particular the move from primary to secondary school. They will have an opportunity to ask any questions they have about the next step in their education and share any worries they may have.. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Talking to them about secondary school and your experience or the experience of older relatives, such as siblings and cousins. P.E. The children will be working on their football skills – dribbling, passing and defence. They will also have the opportunity to work with Mr Simmons, a teacher from Moor End, who will develop their agility and co-ordination. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY – Ensuring they bring in the correct P.E kit on Monday and Tuesday: white t-shirt, blue or black trousers/shorts and suitable footwear (plimsolls or lace-up trainers/pumps)