California State University, Long Beach Long Beach City College Cerritos College Collaboration Between the University and Community College to recruit and prepare strong teachers
Demographics: LBUSD Ethnicity
Demographics: LBUSD English Fluency
Integrated Teacher Education Program California State University, Long Beach 4 calendar year program 2 years at community college Curriculum has K-8 standards Community College students have priority admission status Memorandum of Understanding
Integrated Teacher Education Program – Collaborative Process What CSULB does What CSULB and community college do together What the community college does
Strengthening the Subject Matter Preparation Program content aligned with K-8 standards Stronger subject matter preparation- taught by Arts and Sciences faculty Goal – All ITEP courses Standards- Based
Evaluation of Program Two pilot years completed 300+ freshmen entered the program on campus Fall, 2001 Community College transfers expected Fall, 2002 – 100 students Pilot group evaluation – positive results
LBUSD Basic Math Facts Results Elementary: Whole Numbers Percent Proficient Addition and Subtraction based on grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 Multiplication and Division based on grades 3, 4, and 5
LBUSD Basic Math Facts Results Middle School: Integer Numbers Percent Proficient Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division based on Grades 6, 7, and 8
SAT-9 Reading Total Percentile Ranks of the Average Elementary Student
SAT-9 Math Total Percentile Ranks of the Average Elementary Student
SAT-9 Math Total Percentile Ranks of the Average Middle School Student
Percent of economically disadvantaged students scoring above the 50 th percentile on SAT-9 Mathematics
Percent at or above 50 th Percentile on SAT-9 Math by Ethnicity (2000)
Percent at or above 50 th %ile on SAT-9 Reading by Ethnicity (2000)