Be Ready It’s all in the Family Chapter 9 I Thess. 5:17-28
Name for believers – brethren –Paul used this word at least 60 times in his letters –He used it 27 times in both Thessalonians letters A local church as a family –It is tragic for the believers to ignore or neglect the local church –The child of God needs the church family if he is to grow, develop his gifts, and serve God.
Family Leadership (5:12-13) –Without leadership, a family falls apart. The father is the head of the family, the mother stands with him in cooperative love, and the children are to obey their parents. –Many of the guidance counselors (60,000) & psychologists (2,000) were substitutes as parents. –Children need the leadership and guidance of the parents.
Likewise, God ordained the leadership for the local church. Jesus Christ is the Head of the church. The family needs the leader like a sheep needs the shepherd (I Peter 5:1-5) The responsibilities the brethren have toward their spiritual leaders –Accept them: they are gifts to the church. they are the leaders & examples, not dictators (I Peter 5:3)
–Appreciate them: “Know them who labor among you” (5:12) Spiritual leadership is a great responsibility and a difficult task. They face many battles and burdens and yet receive few encouragements. The members need to pray for, encourage, and work with the leaders. –Love them: The leaders are “among us” and “over us in the Lord.” They need the balance between being buddy & authority. –Obey them: “Obey them that have rule over you” (Hebrews 13:17)
–They aren’t always right. Abraham, Moses, David & Peter made mistakes. A wise pastor realizes he is made of clay & admits when he is wrong or needs counsel. –The spiritual leaders should be respected & obeyed unless they are out of God’s will. –The result of the church family following the spiritual leaders, would be peace & harmony (5:13). Finding division & dissensions can be caused by selfishness & sin on the part of the leaders, members, or both. Selfishness on the inside leads to strife on the outside. (James 4:1-3)
–Family Partnership (5:14-16) The church is called body-life and it is referred to the ministry of each Christian to the others like the various members of the human body to one another like the hand to the mouth. Family members must minister to each other from the church. For example, from Titus 2:3-5 the older women teach younger women and encourage them when the difficulties come. Spiritual leaders are supposed to equip the members for the work of the ministry.
–Family members who need personal help: Unruly (5: 14): Careless or out of line. Thos people needs rules to prevent chaos. Rules and traditions must never be overemphasized for creativity can be stifled.
–Feebleminded (5:14): little soul or fainthearted in Greek. It has nothing to do with mentality, but it refers to the quitters. They intend to look at the dark or negative side and quit when the going is tough. They need to be encouraged (2:11). Comfort in Greek is made up two words: para, near and muchos, speech. According to this we must get close to them and speak tenderly instead of scolding them. We must help to enlarge them and make them stronger in faith.
–Weak (5:14): Support the weak literally means to hold fast to the weak. In other words, don’t let them fall. We are dealing with the believers weak in the faith and haven’t grown strong. They are afraid of the liberty in Christ and live by the rules and regulations. We cannot compare one believer with another believer for they mature in their own pace and ways.
How do we handle them? –Be patient (5:14) »Watch your motives (5:15); we should always serve in the love and not seek revenge. Respect what is right in the eye of God. Be at peace with all men. (Romans 12:17-21) –Be joyful (5:16) »You can be joyful while serving. “The joy of the Lord is my strength” (Neh. 8:10) »Family partnership is vital to the growth and health of the church.
–Family Worship Worship is the most important part of the local church family, but it must come with power and heart. Otherwise, it is like religious entertainment. Elements for the worship: –Prayer (5:17) It was a high and holy experience when the church united in prayer as seen in Acts. Today one comes up to lead in prayer and we are not sure if he is in the fellowship with God. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthews 18:20
Pray without ceasing. It means constantly recurring, not constantly occurring. He knows the desire of the heart. (Psalm 37:4) –Praise (5:18): Thanksgiving is a vital part of the worship. Eph. 5:1 mentions singing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” to express love and gratitude to our Lord. »While we are growing in learning God’s Word and apply, we should also grow in expression of our gratitude to our Lord for the two go together as seen in Col. 3:16.
The Word of God (5:19-21 ) –Worship that ignores the Word of God is not spiritual. »If the head and the heart do not keep peace with each other, then our Christian worship becomes immature or hypocritical –Gifts of prophecy, tongues, and knowledge (I Cor. 13) »The early church didn’t have complete Bible so the early prophets spoke the truth immediately »We have complete Bible so the preachers speak the truth mediately from the Bible
–Quench: Paul picture the Holy Spirit as fire and fire speaks of purity, power, light, warmth, and destruction if necessary. »We must maintain the devotion to Christ »Timothy; Stir up the gift of God; Stir up mean to stir the fire in life again »Extremes: legalists and formalists putting out the fire and fanatics permitting the fire to burn up –Let the Word of God teach us when we worship »Apt to teach means apt to learn
–Follow the Word of God and prove all things Godly Living (5:22-24) –The purpose of the worship is that we be more like Christ in conduct and character. –Balance in Christianity: »Negative: “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (5:22) »Positive: “And the very God of peace sanctify you” (5:23) »Sanctify: to set apart for God
»Positional Sanctification: We have once and for all set apart for God- salvation (Hebrews 10:10) »Practical sanctification: A daily dealing with sins and growth in holiness (II Cor. 7:1) »Perfect sanctification: When we see Christ and become like Him (I John 3:2)
Final words: –Word of God is important in the local church. –The Word must govern our conduct and guide our lives. –We must read the Word of God personally and hear in the fellowship of the local church.