From the Pastor “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” The presents are tucked by the tree neatly trimmed children are excited as gift-giving begins. Loved ones and friends gather as before to hear the story of Christmas told by Grandpa once more.
Everything is ready, the celebration starts but something is missing, could it be in my heart? Could Christmas be more than gifts under a tree? The true meaning of the season I really want to see. My heart begins to ponder, my thoughts see the sight of God’s wondrous promise, the King is born tonight!
I understand the difference, the reason is crystal clear it’s JESUS who makes the season-of family, friends and cheer. Without the birth of Jesus the celebration would be gone HE brings the love of family, HE Brings the joy of song. People would still be lonely; no hope would fill their way
JESUS is the reason for the season, it is HIS special day! H. Alan Roth 1986 This year make an effort to say Merry Christmas as you conduct your business. No holiday trees, no holiday songs, no happy holidays! It’s all about HIM! Merry Christmas!
Unlucky Jimmy Have you heard the story of “Unlucky Jimmy”? It’s about a little boy named Jimmy whose family was very poor. His little sister was an invalid and had to spend most of her days in bed. Christmas held no hope of joy for either of the children. As Jimmy walked home from school everyday he would stop to look at the toys in the store windows. More than anything, he wanted a little red fire engine. He knew he would never get one,
in fact, his only marble had rolled down a storm drain last week and he felt he was the unluckiest boy alive. He even called himself Unlucky Jimmy. One day just before Christmas Jimmy received an invitation to a Christmas party for the children of the neighborhood. A nice lady from the mission promised Jimmy a special gift and he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the Christmas tree.
It was covered with lights and surrounded by toys, and he saw the little red fire engine he had been wanting so badly. When it came time for each child to pick out a gift, Jimmy’s heart nearly stopped. He was afraid someone else would pick the fire engine. Fortunately, when it was his turn the fire engine was still under the tree. As he reached for it, he thought of his sister at home in bed and he
turned to the mission lady and asked her if he might pick out two gifts, one for him and one for his sister. The lady shook her head and told Jimmy there were only enough presents for one per child. Jimmy looked at the fire engine and then he picked out the prettiest doll under the tree. As he returned to his seat with the doll the other children began to laugh and make fun of him. Unlucky Jimmy held onto the doll and
ran from the mission crying all the way home. By the time he got home, his tears had dried and he began to feel better as he saw the look of surprise and joy on his sister’s face. As she hugged the doll, Jimmy didn’t feel so unlucky after all. Later someone knocked on the door and when he opened it the mission lady was there. In her arms she held the little red fire engine.
She explained to Jimmy that the children were sorry they had laughed at him. They had not known about his little sister and when she told them why Jimmy had picked the doll, they asked her to take the fire engine to Jimmy. Instead of Unlucky Jimmy, Jimmy was known as unselfish. How about beginning a “Jimmy” tradition this Christmas? We could make this Christmas a joyous occasion for all the people in Newton by
giving of ourselves. How? Volunteer at the homeless shelter. Make or bake something for someone who is alone this year. Take time to listen to someone who needs you. We can make 2011 a year of giving. The real reason we celebrate Christmas is Jesus’ birth.
Today, like 2000 years ago, wise men and women still seek Him. May you be blessed with Christmas love, joy and especially, peace. Love, Pastor Nancy