ACCJC’s Annual Report Institution-Set Standards March 5, 2015 PaRC Meeting E. Kuo Foothill IR&P
ACCJC Annual Report – Enrollment – Student Achievement – Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment – SLO Narratives – Substantive Change Items ACCJC Fiscal Report Overview
Student Achievement Data – Course completion rate – Program Completion number (degrees+certificates) – Degree completion number – Certificate completion number – Transfer to 4-yr institutions – Licensure exam pass rates – Job placement rates for CTE program completers College to set standards based on data and discussion Institution-Set Standards
ACCJC – “…identified level of performance determined by the institution to be acceptable.” – “measure will be assessed for reasonableness and effectiveness by peer external evaluators” Different from benchmark or goal College should annually meet and easily exceed— at minimum Implications of not meeting standards may require action plan to get back “up” to standard What is a standard?
Data – Most recent term/year (Fall 2014 or ) – Longitudinal ( to , to ) – Disaggregation (ethnicity, program) Sources – CCCCO Data Mart, FHDA IR&P, FH Workforce Development & Institutional Advancement, California Community College Core Indicator Report Discussion – PaRC – Documentation Foothill Approach
Standard Recommendations
Student Course Completion Completion based on passing course with A, B, C, or P grade; includes all credit courses offered in Fall term Standard last yr: 55% Change: +2%
Student Program Completion Number of AA, AA-T, AS and Certificates of Achievement Students counted once regardless of how many awards granted Standard last yr: 714 Change: +43
Student Degree Completion Number of AA, AA-T and AS Students counted once Standard last yr: 415 Change: +33
Student Certificate Completion Number of Certificates of Achievement Students counted once Standard last yr: 355 Change: +44
Student Transfer to Four-Year CSU transfers UC transfers In-State Privates and Out-of-State transfers (transfer volume on Data Mart) Note: ISP and OoS data is always one-year behind to the rate is calculated based on the number of transfers to these institutional types. Standard last yr: 760 Change: +57
Student Licensure Exam Pass Rate Standard changes Apprenticeship: +3% Dental Assisting: -1% EMT Paramedic: +1% Vet Tech: -4% Standard based on roughly 75% of rate Link for 3-yr data
Student Job Placement Rate Standard based on roughly 75% of rate Using Perkins data Standard range: 36% to 75% Link for 3-yr data *Was not a reported CTE program prior to report. **Was not a reported CTE program prior to report. N/A indicates the cohort includes 10 or fewer students. Source: California Community College Core Indicator Report information for , , and Fiscal Planning [CCCCO MIS data, EDD Base Wage File]
Thoughts? Questions?
Student Licensure Exam Pass Rate Standard based on roughly 75% of rate Link to return
Student Job Placement Rate Standard based on roughly 75% of rate *Was not a reported CTE program prior to report. **Was not a reported CTE program prior to report. N/A indicates the cohort includes 10 or fewer students. Source: California Community College Core Indicator Report information for , , and Fiscal Planning [CCCCO MIS data, EDD Base Wage File] Link to return