San Bernardino
San Bernardino Community College District 112 Community College in California 72 Districts Two college district San Bernardino Valley College Crafton Hills College Professional Development Center KVCR TV-FM 7 member Board of Trustees
SBVC Campus Planetarium and Auditorium
SBVC Campus North Hall and Physical Science Buildings
San Bernardino Valley College Founded in ,000 students About 56% female and 44% male 60% is over the age of 25 Located in the Inland Empire (65 miles east of Los Angeles) Primary service areas: San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, Fontana, Highland, and Redlands. The college offers 57 AS/AA degree programs and 83 certificate programs
Big Bear Mountain Center
SBVC Demographics
Challenges Over 90% of incoming students assess at the pre- collegiate level in Math, English, or Reading 60% require remediation in all three areas More than 6,000 students enroll in developmental courses each semester with a 60% pass rate
Strategies Host two bilingual community outreach workshops (Fall 2011 and 2012) African American/Latino Male Summit (Spring 2012) HSI/HBCU/Tribal College Transfer Fair (Fall 2012)
Student Success Programs Learning Communities (Transfer or Certification) Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) Success Through Achievement & Retention (STAR) California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Middle College High School (MCHS) Math & Science Student Success Center (MSSSC)
Math and Science Student Success Center Launched in tutors provide one on one tutoring Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, and Geography Celebrate Women in Math and Empowering Men in Math Days STEM programs Retention rate 82% : 74% Pass rate 80% : 72%
Student Success Programs Learning Communities (First Year Experience) Tumaini Program Puente Project Valley-Bound Commitment (VBC)
Valley-Bound Commitment Program Created to eliminate economic barriers for incoming high school students 36 students in 2008 Expanded to 150 students AB 540 Students Students receive books, supplies, bus passes/parking permits Assigned a counselor, must complete 12+ units per semester, 30 community service hours and qualify for financial aid San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
SBVC Team Members Mr. Damon A. Bell Vice President, Student Services Dr. Nori Sogomonian-Mejia Modern Languages, Department chair Dr. James E. Smith Director of Research and Planning Mr. Herbert L. English Director of EOPS/CARE Dr. Zelma Russ Dean, Student Success and Special Services Mr. Enrique Murillo Director of LEAD (CSUSB) WALMART FOUNDATION, AIHEC, HACU, AND NAFEO STUDENT SUCCESS COLLABORATIVE